Thursday 19 May 2022

May 19, 2022

 PEE essay on money is due on Monday evening. Must include a minimum of 2 paragraphs (strongest and second strongest arguments). Must PEE

- Crook's Store questions

- French test tomorrow

60/40 example, Cathy

Money is one of the most important factors in shaping our organized society today and is craved by most people all around the world. Many individuals seek massive amounts of wealth in order to live a life full of grandeur and more importantly, happiness. Money provides happiness by helping those in poverty or suffering find joy, helping us discover new hobbies and interests, and helping us establish more meaningful and loving relationships with friends and family.

Although many people know it is very important to donate to charities and research groups, many people don’t simply because they lack the money and motive to do so. Everyone knows every donation is one step closer to a better, more peaceful, world. Despite this, most people don’t understand how giving to others can benefit them in their own selfish gain. A study published in 2008 by professor Micheal Norton from Harvard Business School proves that giving things to others not only benefits the receiver, but also induces pleasure in the giver. This is because humans are empathetic animals. When you help another person, they will feel joy, but so will you, since you experience empathy with that person. In the same vein, donating to a charity or food bank means happiness and relief for those in poverty, but also for the donor. Knowing you can help those in need with money is a great honour and helping the less fortunate brings a feeling of immense satisfaction. With money, both sides become happy, resulting in a win-win situation.

Money can also help you discover more aspects of yourself and help you find new hobbies. For example, you might discover you have a real talent for making pottery when you started taking pottery class. You find yourself immensely enjoying the activity, but only because you started doing it in the first place. Starting hobbies requires money since you must gather materials or sign up for a class in order to start. Having an abundance of wealth means having more opportunities. Every opportunity is a chance to profit, and in this case, profit means joy.

Lastly, contrary to a popular misconception, money can buy more than just tangible items we crave in the height of its popularity, such as a new phone or trendy clothing. Money can also be used to buy things that allow us to spend more quality time with friends and family, such as a vacation to a fascinating location or hiking boots so you can go hiking with loved ones. Many people think that happiness stems from having a good, loving, bond with family and friends and can’t be bought with money because a deep relationship cannot be achieved through only the exchange of goods. While it is a fairly reasonable statement, those people are ignoring the fact that money can enhance the time you spend with your loved ones, which builds a genuine bond by allowing you to do the things you enjoy together.

In conclusion, money can provide happiness by being used for those in need such as families below the poverty line, people struggling to overcome diseases, or the homeless. Money can also buy happiness if it is used to help people discover new hobbies and interests, or deepening bonds between loved ones. For those reasons, money can buy happiness.

50/40 sample, Gary (need more examples to justify)

Many individuals seek to gain a vast amount of wealth. The money they make unlocks countless opportunities and comforts of life. However, one thing that money cannot buy is happiness.


Throughout the years, many successful celebrities have suffered from depression, and some even committed suicide. For instance, Robin Williams, a famous comedian, took his own life on August 11, 2014. Although the rich have an abundance of the objects they desire, they are also faced with a lot of stress. Numerous celebrities are faced with countless criticisms every day. Everything they say in interviews will be open for the public to judge, forcing them to choose their words carefully.  The successful entrepreneurs are faced with a different kind of stress. At work, they are faced with a number of crucial decisions each day.  Various other tasks such as organizing companywide meetings will further increase the amount of time they work. Many CEOs and other officers of high positions will need to plan for the future of the company, and assign tasks to keep the company running. Both of which will require a significant amount of consideration, as it will be the deciding factor of the company’s growth.


In addition to stress, many of the rich will have a limited amount of time to spend with family. For instance, numerous extremely successful doctors are fully booked for months. This will decrease their amount of free time significantly. The CEO of a company needs to travel to different branches of the corporation frequently. Even celebrities are required to travel, as they need to go on tours for money.


Perhaps more importantly, money cannot buy love and friendship. Every happy, successful individual are supported by friends and family. Friendship and love are two of the most classic emotions the human processes. Both of which shares a common trait, they are both built through time. Human beings spend time with others that they can relate to. Through their time together, they build friendship, and sometimes love. When everything else fails, their friends and family are still there for them. Furthermore, most people enjoy the time spent with friends and family.


Money cannot buy happiness. Although money allows one to do anything they desire, it cannot buy love, time, or friendship.

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