Friday 8 April 2022

April 8, 2022

 French letter due tonight at 11:59pm. Please submit to Brightspace or Google Classroom

History: what Europeans brought to N/S America (complete the rest of the history chart)

The Columbian Exchange: Crash Course World History #23 - YouTube

Wear your mask please

Toronto elementary school with 113 COVID-19 cases in two weeks will stay open |

Complete the PEE essay for your favourite song.  Must make a connection to explain why that is your favourite song in terms of lyrics, melody, tempo and beat.  Two paragraphs minimum

If I have a tough time making the connection or don't understand your reason, it is likely to be a code 30

April 8, 2022, My favourite song


Why do most people have to work so hard to pay the bills and earn a living? Isn’t it nice to have unlimited amount of cash so we don’t have to worry about expenses, food and can take luxurious vacations whenever we want?


In the song “Money, Money, Money” by the Swedish group ABBA, it states “In my dreams, I have a plan, If I got me a wealthy man, I wouldn't have to work at all, I'd fool around and have a ball.” Everyday, if the only thing that worries me is how to entertain and occupy my daily schedule, that is a nice problem to have. Consider the countless hours that must be used to carefully plan a perfect vacation or where to go to have a Michelin starred meal in the evening with my friends!! Or which brand of designer clothes should be worn to the party with those who adore my company.


Unfortunately, I only have one friend, and she is aging quickly. Elizabeth has Covid and she avoids seeing anyone and is currently hiding in her palace all by herself. Even with all the money and wealth, ABBA, with and without money will lead us to the same destiny of loneliness and depression.



“Money, Money, Money” solves many problems in the world and most can relax, without worrying about the future. Therefore, it is my favourite song even it brings sadness and short term joy


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