Friday 22 April 2022

April 22, 2022


- finish the calculation of the 9 rectangular prisms (volume and surface area)

- read chapter 2 of Broken Blade. What's Pierre's plan now that his father cannot work.

Let's see how smart you are. Try this 2011 Grade Six EQAO Math test

·       he journey to New France takes 3 months

·        1/10 women died on the ships

·       Women’s task is to marry French Settlers and have children.

·       Women are giving a “choice” of who they will marry

·       Women’s meeting with potential husbands are supervised by intendent/governor and Ursaline Nun

·       Meetings between women and men very short

·       Women who marry men receive money (dowry) of 50 French livre ($1000)

·       When women have 10 children they can get 300 livre a year ($6000).

·       800 women sent from France in total

·       Result: population of New France doubles and more land is claimed by New France 

·       ⅔ of modern French Canadians can trace their ancestry to Filles du Roi


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