Tuesday 1 February 2022

February 1, 2022

 Happy New Year. 

Bring mug on Friday for hot chocolate

Use Heron's Formula, calculate the area for the following triangles

- 13cm, 14cm, 15cm (area = 84cm2)

- 25cm, 29cm, 36cm (area = 360cm2)

- 17cm,  25cm, 26cm (area = 204cm2)

Chapter 13


- why is it necessary for the girls to hide and sleep during the day?


- in this chapter, Julilly does not want to sleep. She insists Liza should take a rest first.

Why is it necessary for Julilly to stay up all night?



- (p.88) “They plodded slowly in the opposite direction and this time, they came to a flat plateau with waving grass.”

What is waving grass? Check this out



- what makes that grass move? 


- What is the name of the mountain?


- what do the girls see something in the valley below? What do they decide to do next?


- the girls decide to go down to the valley and buy food. Is it dangerous? How come they have money?


- refer to the first white farm woman: how did she treat Julilly? During this attempt to get food, are they successful finding/buying food from the first woman?


- what language does the second woman speak?


- name four things the girls do inside the cabin of the second woman



- the German speaking folks who help Julilly are not Abolitionists, they are ______________


- Kwok’s note: these people help many runaway slaves, and they are white. No all-white people are bad. Many are very friendly and helpful to the slaves


- find the meaning of the following words, and write your own sentences with these vocabulary

• endurance


• dispersed


• accusations


• fascination


Chapter 13a, Mennonites (scene from the movie “Witness”, 1985)


Samuel’s father died in the beginning of the movie. His mother took him to New York City by train, and Samuel witnessed a murder case inside the washroom.


Grandfather talks to Samuel

“The gun is taken for human’s life. We believe it is wrong to take life. It is only for God. Many times wars have come, and people have said to us that ’you must fight, you must kill. That is the only way to preserve the good.’ And Samuel, that’s never one way. . . remember that.”


- use five words to describe what Mennonites are like in general based on the dialogue above


- if Mennonites do not believe in killing, do they eat meat? Let’s look at the list of food they commonly eat and Google three food items, and find their ingredients. Do they eat meat?







Building the barn scene


- when they are building the barn, what are the men doing? What kind of tools do they use? (electric or hand tools)


- name three skills that are needed for the barn to be built successfully 



- while the barn is being built, what do the women do? What do the kids do?


- how do Mennonites get from one place to another? (Yes, even right now in their community, outside Waterloo, Ontario and many smaller places in Pennsylvania


- do they have electricity? What do they do at night?


- what do they do before eating their meals?


Ice cream teasing scene


“They won’t even fight for their country. . . look out, he may hit you with the Bible. Do you speak English?”

- how did the young fellow insult the Mennonite (Daniel) in the city?

- what did Daniel do?

- How do you feel about insulting a group of friendly Mennonites? What should we do as bystanders?

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