Monday 31 January 2022

January 31, 2022


Anastasiya Tomachynska has invited you to edit the following presentation:
Library: MLA Citation Article Summary

1. Read the article titled "Active bodies build stronger brains".

2. Write a summary of the article on a Google Doc

3. Add at least 1 in-text citation in MLA format

4.. Add at least 1 narrative citation in MLA format 

5. Add a Works Cited List with just the 1 article at the end of the summary

Use Scribbr or any other citation generator to make your Work Cited list and in-text citation.

*Use the attached Google Slide for more info*

Drama Link

Complete math practice test on Pythagoras, exponents and square roots

Start reading Ch 13 of Underground. The girls encountered some kind and not so kind people who helped them. There will be 3 to 4 short videos for you to watch and have a better understanding of Mennonites

Five students will present tomorrow

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