Monday 10 May 2021

May 10, 2021

TDSB Workout literacy#2 (11:45am to 12:15pm, from Mon to Fri)


Math: coordinates

- draw a square (with positive and negative coordinates) and ask friend to identify them

- draw a right angle triangle (with positive and negative coordinates) and ask friend to identify them

 Close passage 1

Cloze Passage-1                Fill in the appropriate word for each space given.

Video and  c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ games have  literally taken Canada and the rest of the w_ _ _ _ by storm.  They appeal to people of a_ _  ages and walks of life.

            Initially, almost everyone thought it was only a t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  craze that would gradually die o_ _ .  However, this was not the c_ _ _  at all.  T_ _ _ _  games seem to be here to stay for q _ _ _ _ some time, if not permanently.

            Recently, some  p_ _ _ _ _ _   have  expressed  concern  about   the  abundance   of  v_ _ _ _ _ _ _ in these games.  They claimed that these v_ _ _ _ _ _  games would nave a negative e_ _ _ _ _  of children.  This could r_ _ _ _ _ in their children growing up with the i_ _ _  that it is perfectly acceptable to u_ _  force on others.

            These parents felt that although some t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  programmes were equally violent, the e_ _ _ _ _  of these games is worse.  This is because the person p_ _ _ _ _ _  the  game  is actively p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the violent a_ _ _  of killing, punching, and k_ _ _ _ _ _.  In television p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, however, the children are j _ _ _  spectators of violence. Due to this, a few parents s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ that some computer and video games be banned.

            This has not been d_ _ _ yet, so perhaps, the best s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ for now is to increase parental guidance.


Cloze Passage- 2           Fill in the appropriate word for each space given.

A large number of yellow fever c_ _ _ _ were reported in Toronto these past few y_ _ _ _.  Last year alone, there were a_ _ _ _ _ 3 000 cases.  During the two years before this, the n_ _ _ _ _  was over 2 000 - almost six t_ _ _ _ more than that in the last decade.

            The biggest single outbreak of d_ _ _ _ _  fever took p_ _ _ _  in Seneca Hills.  Within a month, eighty-three cases were r_ _ _ _ _ _ _  in the area.

            This was only the b_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.  After this outbreak, there were o_ _ _ _ _ similar to it.  These occurred in the eastern and north-eastern p_ _ _ _  of the city.  The areas that suffered the w_ _ _ _ outbreaks were around Richmond Hill and Etobicoke.

            The public began to express c_ _ _ _ _ _.  Some even began to w_ _ _ _  letters to the press, that were later p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.  The Environment Ministry d_ _ _ _ _ _ to step in to combat the d_ _ _ _ _ _.  They increased their checks on houses, thoroughly inspecting for any s_ _ _ of mosquitoes breeding.  Advertisements on t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  and in the newspapers were increased to encourage the public to t_ _ _ precautions.

            These efforts were not in vain.  This year, only nine c_ _ _ _  have been reported to the immense relief of the public.

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