Friday 26 February 2021

February 26, 2021

Yearbook Cover 

Science test, heat


- finish the transformational geometry sheet

History (land bridge theory)

Thursday 25 February 2021

February 25, 2021


- study for science test tomorrow

- complete translation sheet, both side

- take note for Chapter 7, Underground to Canada

 If you process one superpower, what will it be? Explain why you pick that superpower and how it will be used. (200 words, 12 to 15 sentences)

-       Invisibility

-       Duplicate all physical items

-       Teleportation to go to another place

-       Change into any living things (animals, plants, virus, bacteria, fundi)

-       Fly

-       Stay underground

-       Heat vision (see things in the dark)

-       A lot of power, very strong can break anything

-       Mind power

-       Other power

Wednesday 24 February 2021

February 24, 2021

Science pretest questions (heat)

- illegal drug chart: Methamphetamine and Hallucinogens

- study for science test

- complete the two ReadWorks passages

- writing on demand tomorrow. Review the strategies that are needed to reduce personal pronoun usage

Tuesday 23 February 2021

February 23, 2021


Morning announcement Meet

Underground railroad cartoon video (Harriet Tubman)



Monday 22 February 2021

February 22, 2021


- complete the rotation and reflection worksheet. Please make sure you use Post It note and Mira to check answers. Shade all of your answers


- return all textbooks by the end of the week. Please do not give them to the supply teacher


- test on Friday. Study

Which is the most popular fuel to heat our homes in Canada?

a.     Electricity

b.     Heating oil

c.     Natural gas

d.     uranium



Friday 19 February 2021

February 19, 2021


Heat and nuclear energy

Look up information on the Chernobyl disaster (1986) and the Fukushima accidents (2011)

Science test next week on heat. Please study (open book, Google Form)

Thursday 18 February 2021

February 18, 2021

Wednesday 17 February 2021

February 17, 2021


- transformational geometry, reflection. Complete both side

- Underground to Canada. Find five key points from Chapter 2. We will talk about it tomorrow

- watch this video on marijuana and complete the illegal drug section on pot/weed/marijuana

Tuesday 16 February 2021

February 16, 2021

 Why coming back to school during the pandemic?


  • Learning is easier and more efficient, show work on the whiteboard

  • Socialize with classmates, this is the best part of going to school

  • Virtual classes: stare at screen alone. Bored, distracted easily

  • Less damage on the eyes

  • Physically and menrtally better. You have a chance to move around at lunch, and other time

  • Parents do not have to babysit you. They can go back to work

  • Stress, anxious, cannot sleep because of the pandemic, worry about friends and other family members

  • set up a routine to be used daily: get up early, a time for snack and lunch, time to do homework, going bed before 11pm


  • You don’t know if the virus will find you at school

  • What 2m social distancing?

150 words, one paragraph

Health (ILLEGAL DRUGS): complete the chart for alcohol, nicotine and caffine

Monday 15 February 2021

February 15, 2021 Snowfall warning?



This evening, Environment Canada has issued a snowfall warning for Tuesday, February 16, 2021.

Keep you eyes open and pay attention to the news tomorrow morning, as early as 6am.  With a miracle, the TDSB may actually declare a snow day. That means no school and no online learning.

The best way to find the information is to logon to

Check your email.  Your math test is there.  Stay warm.


Thursday 11 February 2021

February 11, 2021

 Industrial Revolution

 March break announcement

See the check list again from the blog and pack up what you will need for school next week

 Please bring the following:

- laptop or Chromebook

- textbooks (Science and Geography)

- indoor shoes (slippers, Croc or clean sneakers)

- lunch (school cafe is not open)

- at least two masks even Kwok has two boxes in his locker

- hand cream in case your hands are too dry after washing them 5x daily

- scientific calculator or phone 

- Four AA batteries for typing 

- warm clothing for the next two weeks (jackets, scarf, mittens, gloves, hat)

- pencil case, ruler, eraser, things that you need to do work

- Post It note: one pack

Math test Feb 11, 2021


- bonus, find the area of the small triangle (ans: 416.5cm2)

Wednesday 10 February 2021

Feb 10, 2021

 Science notes. Heat, energy, circle of life



Practice Test




Julia's question: √(675^2 - 195^2) = √ 417600 = 646.21


Many people believe money cannot grow on trees. On the contrary, the naïve children, who are not in Kwok’s class, think otherwise.


Juno likes to go to virtual classes since his parents think he will learn more. On the contrary, he spends most pf the time playing video games during the day.

Tuesday 9 February 2021

Back to face to face learning on Feb 16

 Please bring the following:

- laptop or Chromebook

- textbooks (Science and Geography)

- indoor shoes (slippers, Croc or clean sneakers)

- lunch (school cafe is not open)

- at least two masks even Kwok has two boxes in his locker

- hand cream in case your hands are too dry after washing them 5x daily

- scientific calculator or phone 

- Four AA batteries for typing 

- warm clothing for the next two weeks (jackets, scarf, mittens, gloves, hat)

- pencil case, ruler, eraser, things that you need to do work

- Post It note: one pack


February 9, 2021






- Thursday Feb 11 - math test (Pythagoras Theorem, Heron's Formula)

- ReadWorks assignment due Thursday

- share report cards with parents. Book appointment if necessary

- you cannot change history, but look forward to the future to see what's available to you. Look past grade 8, but into high school programs

  • In order to do well in school, it is important to have good work and study habits

  • When comparing two different things:

  • On the other hand (compare two opposite things)

  • -       In the past fifty years, many successful male students became doctors and lawyers. On the other hand, there are more young women studying medicine and law in the last few years

  • -       On the other hand, this peculiar (strange) idea appeals to the CEO even though his advisors object to it

  • -       On the other hand, people who live in the countryside then to live longer because it provides a more relaxing lifestyle

Ideas (to compare two different things)

  • Greasy food tastes great but bad for your health

  • Coffee keeps you awake but it causes insomnia

  • Pets are great companion but when it is time to clean up, it is stinky , annoying and messy

  • Candy- dental visit, cavity

  • Virtual classes - learning but hard on the eyes

  • Lock down, dull, boring but parents save up a lot of money

    Pythagoras Triples (right angle triangles only)




    c (longest, slanted side)

















    Find the missing length of the white triangles, by using the Pythagoras Triples


Monday 8 February 2021

February 8, 2021

 School appointments (Kwok: Feb 11 evening, from 5:30pm to 8:15pm; Friday Feb 12 morning)

Report cards should be sent out by the TDSB on Tuesday February 9.

 Report Card appointment bookings: from Feb 9 (4pm) till Feb 11 (noon)

Report Card Learning Skills section

-      Responsibility

-      Work Habits (stay focus for 45mins, uninterrupted)

-      Organization

-      Initiatives

-      Self-Regulation (have you improved since last term? What can you do to do better?)

-      Homework completion

-      Collaboration


Three Goals

-      Realistic

-      Measurable (I will spend 30 mins everyday to review my math homework)

-      Practical (not only school work, but have you been a nice kid at home helping parents?)





Thoughts of the Day

Friday 5 February 2021

February 5, 2021

 March announcement Google Slides



(answers: 6.7m, 149.66cm, 63.44m)


( Answers: X = 26, Y = 25

A = 29, B - 24.69

G = 48.83. F = 50)


Writing on Demand 4


Should March break be cancelled this year?


 Will students benefit from a two month summer holiday?

12 to 15 sentences, about 200 words, one paragraph

  • Most would like to have the March break

  • Students have March break every year. Have been working very hard since early January

  • Sad, depressing that students have to go to school non-stop from January till June

  • With everything that is happening around the world, we need to take a break and calm down

  • More time to volunteer online (e.g. attends hobbies, interest groups)

  • Bad for mental health: focus too hard and spend too much time on school work since January

  • Need time to relax and chill after a long, cold winter, and has been stuck at home all the time

  • During March break, people will hang out with each other. That may spread the virus in a much faster pace

  • Kwok is exhausted! I need to sleep, rest, exercise and stay fit during the break

  • Ask a question

  • It statement

  • Start with adverb (Undoubtedly, having a week off during March is a fantastic idea since it is a TDSB tradition for decades)

  • Start with conjunction: Although the virus may spread quickly during the break, it is necessary for us to gather only with the people in our household.

  • In order to recover quickly, . . .

  •  Use less personal pronouns