Tuesday 16 February 2021

February 16, 2021

 Why coming back to school during the pandemic?


  • Learning is easier and more efficient, show work on the whiteboard

  • Socialize with classmates, this is the best part of going to school

  • Virtual classes: stare at screen alone. Bored, distracted easily

  • Less damage on the eyes

  • Physically and menrtally better. You have a chance to move around at lunch, and other time

  • Parents do not have to babysit you. They can go back to work

  • Stress, anxious, cannot sleep because of the pandemic, worry about friends and other family members

  • set up a routine to be used daily: get up early, a time for snack and lunch, time to do homework, going bed before 11pm


  • You don’t know if the virus will find you at school

  • What 2m social distancing?

150 words, one paragraph

Health (ILLEGAL DRUGS): complete the chart for alcohol, nicotine and caffine


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