Friday 29 January 2021

January 29, 2021

 Learn to install a Thesaurus in your Google Doc


 Math test Tuesday Feb 2 (Day 3)

- Area of squares, rectangles, triangles, parallelogram,  trapezoids and cirlces

- circumference of circles

- Part A: easy. area of trapezoid, circle and circumference (3 points each)

- Part B: Overlapped shapes (e.g. trapezoid inside a square). calculate the grey area (4 points each)

- Part C: Lance Armstrong or Jim Rogers questions, who cycled or drove around the world. Calculate the distance traveled (5 points each)

Science Note (heat, radiation, greenhouse)

Writing on Demand 3

Pick one of the following topics and write a paragraph about it (12 to 15 sentences, about 200 words, 30mins)

If you have 6 hours of free time, what will you do?


Describe what you do to relax. Why is it important to find time to relax and mediate?


Wednesday 27 January 2021

January 28, 2021


One paragraph, 12 to 15 sentences, about 200 words (how to link ideas, and how to explain)


In order to stay healthy, it is very important to eat well every day. A balanced meal is crucial for us to work better during the lock down and pandemic. To start, the meal should include more than 25% of vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflowers, peas, and beans. This is necessary since it is easier for us to get rid of our body waste so we are not constipated.  In addition (Furthermore, Moreover, Also), plenty of healthy fruits should be included with the meal. These can include banana, watermelon, oranges, strawberry and apples. Furthermore, eating a quarter plate full of whole grain pasta is a better choice than having a bowl full of white rice. It is important to note that it is healthier to eat fish, chicken, and nuts. Occasionally, we can enjoy a BBQ steak that is wrapped with a piece of greasy bacon.

-       Finish last two sentences about drink

-       There should be a concluding statement



-       An extremely unhealthy meal

-       1. A list of food that are unhealthy

-       2. Proportions of each food group (protein, fruits/vegetables, carbohydrates, milk products). At least 10% for each kind

-       How to prepare the food to make it unhealthy

-       Must use this concluding statement:

-       “Thus, if this meal is consumed regularly, you need to prepare to get a heart attack very soon!” 


Check your steps and answers 

 Science note: radiation

January 27, 2021


Student Senate Voting

- view the candidate profiles first

Vote here


Share this with parents or siblings (free today): The Tattooed Torah


Tuesday 26 January 2021

January 26, 2021, 3 articles, due Saturday Jan 30.


 Mental Wellness link

Circle assignment. Calculate the circumference and area. Show formula first, then plug in numbers.

Learn to logon TDSB Virtual Library and listen to the story of "Abel's Island". Write a short paragraph and explain why should Abel be hopeful after losing Amanda?







Monday 25 January 2021

January 25, 2021 
Science Note: Heat


Sunday 24 January 2021

Writing on demand 2

  Although Toronto is a huge city with lots of people, sometimes it gets to me. All the smells and noise, with people everywhere. It would be nice to take a break from it all and move to a place like Muskoka where my cottage is. With lots of fresh air and crazy weather but, in the summer the lake is cool and refreshing.  Even though I have lived in Toronto for my whole life I never plan on staying here. Last summer was probably the best summer of my life, because it was the one summer where my family spent almost the entire two months at the cottage. There was wildlife like deer and moose and we even saw a flock of wild turkeys. I also roast marshmallows with my cousins at the campfire. These are all things you can’t do in Canada. That’s why I would rather live in a smaller place than Toronto. 



Does it take long for you to get ready for school? Well, with school uniforms, there is no pressure to decide what to wear. Daily in the morning, students can get ready fast without wasting a lot of time and energy. Furthermore, wearing uniforms will prevent students from being bullied and teased. Many kids get bullied because of the things they wear. In this case, if everyone is wearing the same thing, there is a minor possibility of students getting bullied.  Also, parents can save a lot of money from not having to buy expensive trendy outfits. School uniforms are often significantly cheaper than branded clothing. Besides, since all students are dressed in uniforms, it is simpler to spot who is not supposed to be at school. Yet, searching for an intruder in schools that don't have a set dress code is not an easy task. Uniforms can also help students focus more on studies rather than fashion. For example, students will all be wearing similar clothing so they will be less concerned about how they look. Therefore, wearing school uniforms prevents bullying, affordable for parents, helps students focus on studies and ensures a safer environment.  



This one uses the word "Uniforms" over and over again, a total of 15 times

School uniforms are uniforms that students wear to either show formality or to represent their school. Most schools do not have school uniforms and some require students to wear them. The question is, should school uniforms be worn at Cummer Valley? Here are some reasons why school uniforms should not be required or worn at Cummer Valley Middle School. School uniforms are mostly used for very high-grade universities or high schools, it would seem unnecessary for students in middle school to wear them. They also come with many downsides, overtime it sometimes becomes a mess. Usually, the cost of school uniforms are decently high as well, and some people might not be able to purchase them especially when there are around 300 people supposed to buy them. People could come to school either forgetting their uniform or something else happening to it, students could also lose it making it even more expensive. School uniforms are usually uncomfortable for students being very thick and baggy especially when the weather is warm. The uniforms would just make students feel very uncomfortable and warm, people wouldn’t be able to concentrate which ruins the point of teaching. Uniforms are just unnecessary, people should be free and able to express themselves and wear anything they want. Having the entire school wear the exact same thing can make it seem very bland and boring, it just gives a sad feeling overall. Uniforms can also make students feel depressed, kids being forced to wear the same uniforms is very bad for them mentally as well. Although school uniforms make the school seem formal and tidy, the school spirit is overall better when people can wear anything they want. Uniforms cause many problems physically and mentally and just aren’t necessary, therefore school uniforms should not be required or worn at Cummer Valley. 


Friday 22 January 2021

January 22, 2021

 Amanda Gorman's poem is pasted in the Google Doc below. Please paste the words into your own doc, and highlight the parts that you think give us HOPE for the future.



Thursday 21 January 2021

January 21, 2021

 - work day (French is from 9:50am to 10:35am)

1) finish PEE essay on homework essay (Should homework be given during the weekends). Consult with each other. Work in small groups

2) check each other math homework on area of trapezoids, the overlapping shapes shaded area. Make sure you are checking the calculations and equations

3) complete the reading passages. There are three stories. If you get more than 3 wrong in each of the Cold Feet and the Orchestra, I will give you another chance to redo the questions. Your first attempt will be erased

4) go outside (backyard, front door of building only, dont leave your condo building), take a selfie to prove that you take a walk. Paste selfie in the Wellness chart

5) add 20 commas to the following passage

 6) Writing on Demand tomorrow morning. Two topics to choose from. 30 mins, one paragraph (about 12 to 15 sentences, around 200 words)  


8) Copy and paste this into your science note

Add commas to the following passage. There should be 20 commas.


Recently the state of the environment has become a popular subject on television and the radio.  This is due to the growing speed with which people are polluting it especially in modern cities with many factories.


            Pollution takes places when chemicals and waste matter from industries dirty and damage the atmosphere rivers seas and soil.  It is one of the most worrying problems of the industrial world.


            Many plants and animals are being endangered by harmful chemicals discharged by factories.  For instance the smoke that comes out of factory chimneys contains gases which after mixing with the water in the air returns to earth in the form of acid rain.


            Acid rain can wear away the paint and concrete of buildings or destroy entire lakes and other wildlife areas by killing or poisoning all the living things living in or near them.  It can even cause health problems if it enters drinking water or skin problems in people if it is very acidic.


            This is however only one form of pollution.  The smoke and dust emitted by cars and other vehicles can cause breathing problems especially in the elderly and young children.  There are even more complicated types of air pollution that can alter the climate itself.


            Pollution also takes place when people do not dispose of their trash properly.  Badly built and managed dumping grounds are unhealthy and unsightly and there are now fewer places left to bury all our waste.  Still people are now throwing away more rubbish than ever.


            Finally there is a deadly invisible form of pollution - nuclear waste which comes from the substances that nuclear power stations use to produce energy.  It can cause cancer skin disease and illness if not disposed of properly.


            Pollution is a difficult problem to tackle because we would have to change the way we live our lives and make certain products.  This can only be done once people realize that we have only one earth and that we have to take care of it.


Wednesday 20 January 2021

January 20, 2021


- Finish the first two paragraphs of the PEE essay: Should homework be given during the weekends?


Copy these questions into an email, entitled Math formula. Write the formula in the body of an email and send that to


G Grade 8 Survey. Please complete for Mrs. Collier's class

Make three area questions with two shapes overlapping each other. Find the shaded area such as this question below:






Tuesday 19 January 2021

January 19, 2021





Have a heart, adding commas, second half of story. 10 commas missing

There are ways to lower blood pressure.  These include maintaining a healthy diet attaining the recommended weight and doing regular exercise.  There are also unexpected simple ways of lowering blood pressure such as laughter or petting a dog or cat.


While the bad news is that heart disease is the number one killer the good news is that death rate from heart disease has been declining steadily since the 1950s as people adopt healthier lifestyles and the medical world develops improved drugs and treatments.


If you know someone who is a regular smoker over-weight and consume excessive amount of alcohol tell him/her about the facts about heart diseases.


* * * * *


Mr. Smith is really lucky.  The surgeons performed an emergency surgery on him and put a stent on his clotted arteries.  He is now recovering slowly in the hospital but the doctor reminds him to change his lifestyles.  Smith must eat less meat and exercise regularly.  In addition he should start cooking at home and learn to prepare healthier meals rather than eating out every night.


His colleagues are happy that Smith is alive.  They set a goal for him and he needs to lose about 25 Kg in the next six months.  It may sound like an impossible task but Smith will benefit from his goal so he will become physically fit person.

Math test - area

Aquaculture video

Amazon forest fire

Monday 18 January 2021

January 18, 2021

 Math quiz tomorrow (area of rectangles, squares, triangles, parallelograms

Add commas to the following passage. There should be 27 commas

Have a Heart


Mr. Smith is a hard worker.  Every morning he wakes up at 5am in the morning and does all his morning routines before driving to his office.  In most days he is able to arrive at his office earlier than all his co-workers and he starts work before 8am.  His mornings are usually hectic before he even starts checking his emails.


Since Smith is such a busy person he does not have time to do anything else!  He barely has time to eat lunch and usually he stays at work until late afternoon after everyone has gone home.  Throughout the day he drinks many cups of coffee and often Smith munches on different kind of junk food.  He has been doing this for many years and Smith has turned into a giant: he gains about 30 pounds in five years and he needs to buy new pants every year since the old ones don’t fit him anymore.


Worst of all after he finishes work he usually stays out and eats dinner with his friends.  One night while he is having dinner at the Kegs Smith’s chest doesn’t feel right and it feels like a sharp dagger stabbing on his chest.  He is in pain and slowly his lips turn blue.  When his friends ask him questions Smith is not able to speak and everyone can see the cold sweat comes down from his forehead!


“This guy is having a heart attack!” the manager says.  “ HURRY someone call the ambulance and ask them to come here quickly.”


* * * * * *


A lot of people think cancer is the number one killer in Canada but it’s not.  The leading killer is heart disease and cancer is the number 2 disease.  Heart disease is responsible for about 25% of the deaths in the country each year.


In Canada. heart attacks account for over 50000 deaths each year.  One reason why the number is so high is because when people experience chest pain they don’t realize they may be getting a heart attack and wait too long before going to the hospital.  Such a delay can be fatal.  In fact more than half of heart attack victims die before they reach the hospital.


What are the warning signs of a heart attack?  According to the Canadian Heart and Stroke Foundation the signs include uncomfortable pain in the middle of the chest for two minutes or longer; movement of pain to the shoulder arm neck or jaw; sweating may accompany the pain.  Shortness of breath dizziness or fainting may also be experience by the victims together with vomiting and nausea.


One of the factors that increases the risk of heart attack is high blood pressure.  Today with the stress of everyday life nearly one out of every three adults suffers from high blood pressure.  Arguing with spouse problems at work speaking in public or even telling a lie can trickle heart attack.  This disease can be brought on by something you enjoy such as caffeine in coffee smoking cigarettes or drinking alcohol.

Comma Edit

 Since students have started going to online school it could be essential to talk about how virtual learning or school learning is better. In my opinion I think school learning is better because when students have the opportunity to learn from home some of them could get distracted and choose not to pay attention when the cameras and microphones are not in use. Most of the time for example a student could be on their phones and not be paying attention to something important and the teachers wouldn’t know since they would be too busy teaching the rest of the class. In school if the teacher catches a student not doing homework they could be told to do their work and they would listen because they know that they could get in trouble. Students have to stare at a screen for 6 hours which could cause headaches eye strain and blurry vision. They cannot go outside for recuse and have fresh air other than school learning. Students do have the opportunity to go outside and release some stress or play around and lose energy so that when they go back inside they can be less hyper and focus. Going to school can be fun, students can go to the gym or outside and play some sports and play tag. Unlike online school you can’t do anything like that. Although school could be exhausting it’s better than staying home and staring at the screen. In school you can communicate with your friends and socialize and make new friends. Therefore I think school learning is better than virtual learning. 


Thursday 14 January 2021

January 14, 2021

Writing on Demand (45mins)

- one paragraph, 10 to 15 sentences

either: Name a piece of clothing best represents your personality

or: Are virtual classes better than in school learning?

Geography (5 positive and 5 negative for overfishing and deforestation. Please include your source of information)


HIIT workout (Day 2 Wellness)


- look at Google Classroom, and you have French homework. Must do that in Google Doc and share with Mme

Wednesday 13 January 2021

January 13, 2021

30 Day Mental Wellness Challenge


Math: Area of triangles

Tuesday 12 January 2021

New Google Meet

 Try this: go to Google meet in gmail (TDSB account) and join a meeting

Check TDSB email. I just sent an invitation

January 12, 2021


Inside Mr. Kwok’s gigantic washroom, he wants to put golden tiles on the wall. If each tile measures 5cm x 5cm and it costs $123.45, calculate the total cost to put golden tiles on his 15m x 8m wall.


Should pop be sold at Cummer Valley? 




Make up ten questions that require calculations of area and perimeter of rectangles and squares

5 questions: give them the lenth and wodth

5 questions give them the area, and find the lenth and perimeter

Exchange work so they can challenge each other

Monday 11 January 2021

January 11, 2021

Paul Klee's summary and samples
Watch thos video about plastic and answer the following questions - where do plastic products come from - how long does plastic take to decompose (turn into soil) - in your home, find 30 products that are made out of plastic' - what will happen to the world if we don't cut down on plastic usage (5 things)

Virtual Perimeter Test

Friday 8 January 2021

January 8, 2021

- virtual school will be extended to at least Jan 25.

- PA day next Friday Jan 15, when I will write your report card

- Math test (perimeter and cost) on Monday. Virtual, leave camera on. Copy and paste questions on Google Doc and complete work online OR, you can do the work on paper and take a picture of all steps, calculations and answers to me

PEE Essay

First paragraph: State your opinion (1 to 2 sentences)

Second paragraph Strongest argument (10 to 12 sentences)

Third paragraph Weakest argument (3 to 4 sentences)

Fourth paragraph Second strongest argument (8 to 10 sentences)

Fifth paragraph Restate your opinion (2 to 3 sentences)


Homework: complete the fourth paragraph (8 to 10 sentences, second strongest argument), explain and give examples

  • How to prevent cyberbullying when phones are used (block the mean people, stay with the safer sites

Fifth paragraph: 3 to 4 sentences, restate your opinion

Example: Therefore, based on the above reasons, cell phones should be used in the classrooms since they are much more efficient, and a good learning tool for all the students in class. Without a cell phone, the schools may as well go back to the stone age and learn from some antique textbooks and dictionary. 

Math Practice Test (measurement, Perimeter)

Snap camera background, download

tutorial, how to set up

People who are using Chromebook, there is your wallpaper

Thursday 7 January 2021

PEE essay, cell phone

 Cell phone PEE essay

January 7, 2021

 Math homework

- Math perimeter test on Monday. Review and study

- if in class test, things will be normal. If online test, you need to leave Cam on so I can see you and make sure there is no communications and help from someone else'

Homework: Make up a question, with 2 routes for UberEats.

They get $3.55 per delivery

House: 8mins        Apartment: 5mins

Make up how many houses and apartments along the routes.

Calculate the perimeter, total time to deliver all the meals, and how much the driver will earn.

Pick the route you want to deliver all the food.



Word Art Displays

Guess who will get the Covid vaccines first?  Read this


Find out (heat and hot air)

  • Find out who was the first person who travel around the world with a hot air balloon

  • When did he do it (what year)

  • - look at the picture of his balloon

  • - find the routes he took

  • - how long did it take him to orbit around the world with a hot air balloon

  • What happened to him a few years later?