Wednesday 27 January 2021

January 28, 2021


One paragraph, 12 to 15 sentences, about 200 words (how to link ideas, and how to explain)


In order to stay healthy, it is very important to eat well every day. A balanced meal is crucial for us to work better during the lock down and pandemic. To start, the meal should include more than 25% of vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflowers, peas, and beans. This is necessary since it is easier for us to get rid of our body waste so we are not constipated.  In addition (Furthermore, Moreover, Also), plenty of healthy fruits should be included with the meal. These can include banana, watermelon, oranges, strawberry and apples. Furthermore, eating a quarter plate full of whole grain pasta is a better choice than having a bowl full of white rice. It is important to note that it is healthier to eat fish, chicken, and nuts. Occasionally, we can enjoy a BBQ steak that is wrapped with a piece of greasy bacon.

-       Finish last two sentences about drink

-       There should be a concluding statement



-       An extremely unhealthy meal

-       1. A list of food that are unhealthy

-       2. Proportions of each food group (protein, fruits/vegetables, carbohydrates, milk products). At least 10% for each kind

-       How to prepare the food to make it unhealthy

-       Must use this concluding statement:

-       “Thus, if this meal is consumed regularly, you need to prepare to get a heart attack very soon!” 


Check your steps and answers 

 Science note: radiation

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