Monday 18 January 2021

January 18, 2021

 Math quiz tomorrow (area of rectangles, squares, triangles, parallelograms

Add commas to the following passage. There should be 27 commas

Have a Heart


Mr. Smith is a hard worker.  Every morning he wakes up at 5am in the morning and does all his morning routines before driving to his office.  In most days he is able to arrive at his office earlier than all his co-workers and he starts work before 8am.  His mornings are usually hectic before he even starts checking his emails.


Since Smith is such a busy person he does not have time to do anything else!  He barely has time to eat lunch and usually he stays at work until late afternoon after everyone has gone home.  Throughout the day he drinks many cups of coffee and often Smith munches on different kind of junk food.  He has been doing this for many years and Smith has turned into a giant: he gains about 30 pounds in five years and he needs to buy new pants every year since the old ones don’t fit him anymore.


Worst of all after he finishes work he usually stays out and eats dinner with his friends.  One night while he is having dinner at the Kegs Smith’s chest doesn’t feel right and it feels like a sharp dagger stabbing on his chest.  He is in pain and slowly his lips turn blue.  When his friends ask him questions Smith is not able to speak and everyone can see the cold sweat comes down from his forehead!


“This guy is having a heart attack!” the manager says.  “ HURRY someone call the ambulance and ask them to come here quickly.”


* * * * * *


A lot of people think cancer is the number one killer in Canada but it’s not.  The leading killer is heart disease and cancer is the number 2 disease.  Heart disease is responsible for about 25% of the deaths in the country each year.


In Canada. heart attacks account for over 50000 deaths each year.  One reason why the number is so high is because when people experience chest pain they don’t realize they may be getting a heart attack and wait too long before going to the hospital.  Such a delay can be fatal.  In fact more than half of heart attack victims die before they reach the hospital.


What are the warning signs of a heart attack?  According to the Canadian Heart and Stroke Foundation the signs include uncomfortable pain in the middle of the chest for two minutes or longer; movement of pain to the shoulder arm neck or jaw; sweating may accompany the pain.  Shortness of breath dizziness or fainting may also be experience by the victims together with vomiting and nausea.


One of the factors that increases the risk of heart attack is high blood pressure.  Today with the stress of everyday life nearly one out of every three adults suffers from high blood pressure.  Arguing with spouse problems at work speaking in public or even telling a lie can trickle heart attack.  This disease can be brought on by something you enjoy such as caffeine in coffee smoking cigarettes or drinking alcohol.

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