Wednesday 30 September 2020

September 30, 2020


- Math quiz on Friday: Mini Kwok goes to Disneyland.  Please review your work from the Terry questions (budget, and how much is spent on hotel, food, theme parks, gifts etc)

- math factor trees: highlight all prime numbers from 1 to 100 (there are 25 of them). Complete the factor trees for each number

e.g 168 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 7

- Run: Winston MacDonalds' personality.  write five sentences and explain why he behaves that way

(please use personality handout to help you).  Try not to use kiddie words such as bad, good, nice, fun.  Remember, you are in grade 7 now

e.g. Winston is a rebellious teenager because he runs away from home and starts drinking alcohol.

- complete map of Canada and label all provinces and territories (on Doc or Word). Please bring your fully-charged laptop or Chromebook tomorrow, as we will be working a DTP project on your dinner

Taste adjectives


Food - One of my favourite things in the world. With most of us able to taste food from all corners of the globe, there needs to be a lot of adjectives to describe what we are tasting. In the following sentences, can you guess which adjective should be used?

Let us know what your favourite food is by posting your comments below...

Taste and Texture Adjectives

Bitter - Having a strong, often unpleasant taste e.g. coffee, dark chocolate.
Sweet - Usually an enjoyable taste of sugar.
Dry - Not wet.
Moist - A little wet.
Bland - Boring, not interesting.
Spicy - Having strong flavours from spice.
Savoury - Not sweet e.g. bread.
Rich - Rich food has a lot of butter, cream, or eggs in it.
Salty - Tastes of salt.
Tasty - Good flavour and is nice to eat.
Sugary - Tastes of sugar.
Greasy - Containing or covered with fat or oil.
Scrumptious - delicious.
Sour - Having a sharp taste e.g yogurt, lemon.
Piping hot -Very hot.
Crunchy - Firm and making a loud noise when it is eaten.

Tuesday 29 September 2020

September 29, 2020


- Language: personality list.  Please complete both side and use each word only once

- geography: learn to use Google doc and place names of continents and ocean in the document.  Learn to use text boxes and change text boxes to transparent colour

- PLEASE fully charge your laptop or Chromebook before coming to school.  Three electronic devices are out of power this afternoon

- or you can bring your charger to school so it can be charged over lunch

Monday 28 September 2020

September 28, 2020


- please complete the GOOD copy of the poem, All about Me. Colour and head and write neatly please

- sign math test.  Do corrections on questions that are wrong

- personality list: find at least 3 words from Kwok's list with similar meaning as

nice, kind, brave, mean, shy, loving

- the Terry and the Kwok math story, complete BOTH side and show calculations

Friday 25 September 2020

September 25, 2020


- Math (calculate amount spent on each item (Kwok, Terry, Danny)/ Show all steps and calculations

- complete poem draft. Use three adjectives to describe yourself (personality), the shows/movies you like, your favourite book and clothing items, and lastly

two of your favourite dishes

e.g. If you are looking for the gentle, helpful and affectionate Mr. Kwok

I might be home watching the informative, money making TV program called Wall $treet Week.

Or reading the mind bending, mysterious and challenging Fortune magazine.

I will probably be wearing my super-vibrant, banana coloured sweatshirt with bright red polka dots

And my King James #24 Nike sneakers.

But if you are serving some super fresh, spicy tuna rolls with lots of wasabi mustard

or the extremely creamy coconut ice-cream banana split,

Be sure to call my name.

Thursday 24 September 2020

September 24, 2020


- sign Edmund Hillary quiz sticky note, and unscramble worksheet

- French: complete five sentences like the one below:

Wednesday 23 September 2020

September 23, 2020


Math test tomorrow, ten questions, problem solving based with fraction and percent. About 1 hour long

Bring calculator for the test.  Please spend about half an hour reviewing your math work from the last few days.

Read Chapter 1 and 2 of Run by Eric Walters

Tuesday 22 September 2020

September 22, 2020


Math test on Thursday September 24.  Everything since the first day (problem solving questions, e.g. NBA order, people living in buildings, apples and oranges, addition questions with missing numbers)

Math assignment: Two-step problem solving based questions, Q#1 to 7.  Show all steps and calculations (answers are given to you at the end of each question)

Adjectives describe nouns.  Colour, numbers and personality are adjectives.  Complete the adjective sheet, both sides

e.g. A red car, I have ten fingers, What a greedy child!

Science: find the first person who climbed Mt Everest successfully (name, year, nationality).  He used an oxygen mask

- also find the first person who climbed Mt Everest successfully without an oxygen mask

Monday 21 September 2020

September 21, 2020


- complete math homework, 10 questions

- math test on Thursday, Sept 24.  All the math you have learned so far (problem solving, missing numbers addition).  Bring calculator

- bring laptop or iPad or Chromebook to school

- science textbook.  Read on the section on Particle Theory

Friday 18 September 2020

September 18, 2020


- please bring 4 AA batteries to school everyday.  They should be new batteries, not rechargeable

- math- complete addition sheet and the other side of problem solving questions. Check answers with calculator

- language: Noun sheets, both side

Tuesday 15 September 2020





September 16, 2020


- complete self assessment screening sheet every morning; parents must sign before coming to school

- learn your login ID and password

- go through the first day check list with parents (from folder)

- send me an email tonight The email address is

Why do you have to wear masks?  Share this experiment with your parents:

How effective is your masks?