Wednesday 30 September 2020

Taste adjectives


Food - One of my favourite things in the world. With most of us able to taste food from all corners of the globe, there needs to be a lot of adjectives to describe what we are tasting. In the following sentences, can you guess which adjective should be used?

Let us know what your favourite food is by posting your comments below...

Taste and Texture Adjectives

Bitter - Having a strong, often unpleasant taste e.g. coffee, dark chocolate.
Sweet - Usually an enjoyable taste of sugar.
Dry - Not wet.
Moist - A little wet.
Bland - Boring, not interesting.
Spicy - Having strong flavours from spice.
Savoury - Not sweet e.g. bread.
Rich - Rich food has a lot of butter, cream, or eggs in it.
Salty - Tastes of salt.
Tasty - Good flavour and is nice to eat.
Sugary - Tastes of sugar.
Greasy - Containing or covered with fat or oil.
Scrumptious - delicious.
Sour - Having a sharp taste e.g yogurt, lemon.
Piping hot -Very hot.
Crunchy - Firm and making a loud noise when it is eaten.

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