Friday 25 September 2020

September 25, 2020


- Math (calculate amount spent on each item (Kwok, Terry, Danny)/ Show all steps and calculations

- complete poem draft. Use three adjectives to describe yourself (personality), the shows/movies you like, your favourite book and clothing items, and lastly

two of your favourite dishes

e.g. If you are looking for the gentle, helpful and affectionate Mr. Kwok

I might be home watching the informative, money making TV program called Wall $treet Week.

Or reading the mind bending, mysterious and challenging Fortune magazine.

I will probably be wearing my super-vibrant, banana coloured sweatshirt with bright red polka dots

And my King James #24 Nike sneakers.

But if you are serving some super fresh, spicy tuna rolls with lots of wasabi mustard

or the extremely creamy coconut ice-cream banana split,

Be sure to call my name.

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