Monday 22 June 2020

Last gym activity

Last Phys.Ed Activity: One week Fitness ChallengeHi 7C,

We now reached our last week of school!
For our last gym activity, let's see if we can all complete a one week fitness challenge!

The activity is very simple, complete the following tasks each day!

Monday workout: 45 jumping jacks, 2-minute break, 15 crunches, 25-second plank
Tuesday workout: Walk 5 minutes, run 10 minutes, walk 10 minutes
Wednesday workout: 15 burpees, 1-minute break, 30 crunches, 15 pushups, 40 jumping jacks
Thursday workout: Walk 3 minutes, run 10 minutes, walk 3 minutes, run 5 minutes
Friday workout: 10 pushups, 15 crunches, and 20 jumping air squats.

See if you can accomplish this challenge! :)

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