Saturday 4 April 2020

7C Multimedia Project

- take a look at what I prepare this morning

- I couldn't auto play the videos  for some reasons
(please try auto play at home and show me when we get back to school)
- watch all three videos please, and play all the slides
- share my Slide project with parents

- Your Multimedia Project
1) Find two videos of your favourite songs
2) Insert into Slide, and add the lyrics next to the video
3) Try to locate something positive.  We have too many bad things happening now
4) Find famous phrases or statements to give us hope to overcome the current situations
e.g. The darkest hour is just before dawn
The only thing we have to fear is fear itself
5) Create two slides and insert those famous statements with relevant wallpapers
6) End the slide project with something to look forward to.  In my case, going to the Netherlands to see the beautiful tulips

- After you are done, send a link to three of your friends.  Ask them to grade it: A, B, C, D or not done at all.  Determine the average
- if you get a low mark from friends, spend more time to improve it
- record friend's names in the Homework Tracker

1 comment:

  1. can we do more than 2 videos on our favorite music videos
    ( can i do 3 videos, plus the nature video)
