Friday 13 March 2020

March 13, 2020

- stay safe.  Wash hands often. Have a good March break
- I will post the Algebra test on March 23.  Do them with computer during the first week, and upload that to me.  Show all steps and calculations please

- PEE essay.  "Can money buy happiness?" Use some of the ideas discussed in class and compose.  Find some examples who are wealthy but sad (e.g. Robin Williams, Tiger Wood, Elton John) and those who are poor and happy (e.g. Malala, Mother Teresa)
- average life style can lead to long life (look at some of the Japanese women who live past 100)

- I will provide some science note during the second week: heat transfer, convection and radiation.  Bring your text book home

A^3 + 2B = √B^2
- what is A?

The lunchroom sells only hot dogs and burgers.
Burger = $4 each; Hot dog = $3 each
They sold 75 all together, and collect $258

How many dogs were sold

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