Monday 30 September 2019

September 30, 2019

- please share vaccines information with parents.  Esp why should we be vaccinated?
- sign forms, and give permissions to receive vaccines.  Forms are due back Oct 16
- Vaccination date is Monday Dec 9, 2019
- if you received one of the vaccines from family doctor, please photocopy the necessary documents and attach them with the form

- leave a reusable cup in locker for solvent/ solute experiment for science
- walk to school on Wednesday Oct 2.  Try to walk or bike or skateboard (non motorized ways)

- Math: complete order of operation sheet for those who haven't done that yet
- bring Chromebook or Laptop to school tomorrow (Tuesday), if possible.  Otherwise, learn to integrate graphics and turn them into graphic objects in Word

- take a few photos of your dinner (one or two food items, no human should be in photo).  Will be used for the next writing/media assignment

- describe one or two items of your dinner. Either write or type up.  Need detail description

e.g. The honey glazed BBQ chicken was tender, mouth watering and simply delicious.  First of all, the chicken skin was slighted charred with lots of sauce and it was very crispy.  Effortlessly, the meat was cut like butter and it melted inside my mouth.  The chicken blended nicely with the Jasmine rice and the freshly steamed green beans.  This tasted even better with a slap of garlic butter in the beans.  In no time, I greedily swallowed the whole chicken legs even before my son took his first bite.

To finish the fantastic meal, my lovely wife scooped up a lactose free strawberry ice creamm with some dark chocolate chunks and walnut sprinkled on top.  Yummm

Adjectives to describe food

Friday 27 September 2019

September 27, 2019

 - please bring reusable  cups (not styrofoam, not glass) to science.  Doing experiment with solvent and solute (frozen concentrated fruit punch or OJ)

- please spend at least 30 mins per day reading and preparing book report
- Except for the students who are reading "Holes", you should be done reading the novel "Run"

- Chromebook or Laptop: should get one that is 13" or 15".  Anything smaller will be difficult to see the screen when you learn to manipulate graphics.  Should be in the $300 range

- get a mouse (wired or wireless.  Bluetooth mouse is expensive and you probably don't need that)

- DO NOT buy Microsoft Office.  You will learn to use Google document, Sheets etc

I will let you know when to bring the Chromebook to class.  First lesson is to teach you how to access the TDSB network

No iPads or tablets, no phones to do work.  Sorry

- wear something orange on Monday please

7A Science
- test on Monday. Study

Thursday 26 September 2019

September 26, 2019


- show photo to your parents.  Please order online if you like the photo.  Otherwise, retake on Nov 7

- bring a reusable cup to class on Monday: solvent and solute

- wear yellow, running shoes, T shirts tomorrow for Day 0
- bring your own lunch tomorrow.  I don't know of the cafe will be opened
- ask parents to meet Kwok tonight

- if you are not coming to meet the creature tonight, please read "Run" and start working on book report

- next week, if you have a Chromebook or Laptop, bring it to school (and lock in locker.  Bring to home in the afternoon) so I can teach you how to prepare simple Desktop Publishing documents.

- I will tell you when to bring your Chromebook.  No need to bring everyday

Wednesday 25 September 2019

September 25, 2019

- please invite parents to curriculum night on Thursday Sept 26 (tomorrow at 6:30pm).  Kwok bought cookiesssssss.  You are welcome to join mom and dad

- Math: order of operations, BEDMAS, both side

- for whatever reason, they want you to wear yellow on Friday. Please do so if you can
- bring lunch on Friday

7A Science test on Monday September 30
Here is what you have to study:
 Particle Theory, pure substances and mixtures, periodic table, structure of simple matters (nucleus, protons, neutrons, electrons), light bulbs, batteries, mechanical mixtures
- science quiz will be a true or false quiz (18 questions), and a flow chart
e.g. Electrons carry positive charges (false)
Coca Cola is a mixture (true)

Tuesday 24 September 2019

September 24, 2019

- Math: exponents and square roots questions
- show all steps, and calculator can be used

- Language: where to put adverb worksheet
- usually, adverbs are placed after the verbs
e.g. The children work quietly in the library
The dog is barking loudly at the strangers
My mother stares angrily at the old man because he spits on the street

- place the adverbs in proper places in the 13 sentences.  Learn to start some sentences with adverbs
e.g. Suddenly, the stranger charged into the restaurant and swallowed 3 pizzas

- type up these sentences and email to me.  Look up the meaning of meekly

Monday 23 September 2019

September 23, 2019

- Math: Old mcDonalds had a farm.  Calculate the total cost for four questions (plus the PST/ GST)

- Science test tomorrow. 18 T/F questions, one flow chart (solid, liquid and gas). Study and Review notes

- Please invite parents to Curriculum Night on Thursday September 26.  We will start the presentation at 6:30pm.  Mr. Kwok would like to introduce his core and science programs to as many parents as possible.  Yes, there will be cookies.  Join your parents!

- Spend some time (at least 30 mins) reading Run or doing your book report

Friday 20 September 2019

September 20, 2019

- complete both Contour Maps for Geography.  The second one is quite complicated.  Draw neatly and please use a ruler (contour interval for second map is 100m)

- second map: please add an extra sheet of paper at the bottom to draw mountain profile

- study for a science quiz next week (Monday or Tuesday): Particle Theory, pure substances and mixtures, periodic table, structure of simple matters (nucleus, protons, neutrons, electrons), light bulbs, batteries, mechanical mixtures
- science quiz will be a true or false quiz
e.g. Electrons carry positive charges (false)
Coca Cola is a mixture (true)

- Math: Find the GCF for the following
a) 8, 10
b) 3, 12
c) 4, 6
d) 6, 24
e) 4, 10
f) 18, 78
g) 14, 84

- going grocery shopping and look at different milk products
skim milk, 1%, 2%, Homo, light cream, half and half, table cream
- compare milk fat content and price
- Lactose free milk products are really expensive (twice as much).  Think of Kwok's farting if I drink them

Thursday 19 September 2019

September 19, 2019

- Personality sheet#2, look up meaning of Zealous, zany, valiant, sly
- math: find out why these numbers are not prime numbers
21, 35, 51, 57, 72,91

-Run 30 mins

- someone asked why sly, zealous, zany and valiant?
- that's because I want to expand your vocabulary.  Instead of using nice, good, bad, friendly, and fun, try something new to look like you are in grade 7 please


Wednesday 18 September 2019

September 18, 2019

- Picture Day tomorrow. Dress nicely, don't be late

- type up five sentences, with personality words to describe yourself, and one of your friends or family members. (you can use Word or Google Doc to compose these sentences)
Save as Microsoft Word and upload to

e.g. Since the outspoken President Trump has an opinion on every topic, he can be interviewed for hours on TV.
Although Mini Kwok is timid and shy, he is able to solve this difficult high school Algebra questions at no time.

- Math: prime numbers and factor tree.  Identify the 25 prime numbers between 1 to 100

Tuesday 17 September 2019

September 17, 2019

- personality sheet.  Make sure you understand those words before using them in a sentence
- the sentences must make sense

- math - factors of numbers. List them (50, 100, 150, 1000, 1960)

- sign math test. Do corrections for the questions that are wrong

Monday 16 September 2019

September 16, 2019

- Photo Day on Thursday September 19.  Dress nicely
- Please invite parents to Curriculum Night on Thursday Sept 26.  We will start the presentation at 6:30pm
- Spend 30 mins reading Run; start doing book report

Plot the following rivers on your map:
- St Lawrence
and, find the name of a major river in Oceania

Friday 13 September 2019

September 13, 2019

- Complete the second LCM sheet (4 questions).  See answers below, but show me all calculations.

Review all math assignments since Day 1.  Test on Monday
[%, decimal, fraction, pattern questions, heads and legs questions, multiples, LCM, applications of LCM],

- Complete good copy of the head poem.  Illustrate, colour and write out the text.  Please do it neatly, as they will be posted in the classroom for Curriculum night

- Spend 30 mins and answer question B in book report (main character, Winston,  5 personality and why).  You should type this up and email to

- Planner money, $6

- Picture Day, Thursday September 19. Please dress nicely

- Please invite parents to Curriculum Night on Thursday Sept 26.  We will start the presentation at 6:30pm

Answers to math homework

3) LCM = 120

10 boxes of pencils
12 boxes of erasers
15 boxes of markers

$50 pencils, $96 erasers, $45 markers
total $191

HST $24.83

4) LCM = 60

30 boxes of Mars
3 boxes of M&M
2 boxes of Skittles

$60 Mars, $9 M&M, $8 Skittles
total $77

HST 10.01

4) LCM = 60

5 packages of turkey
3 packages of bread
2 boxes of cheese

$32 turkey, $9 bread, $8 cheese
total $52

HST $0

Change: $8

Thursday 12 September 2019

September 12, 2019

Math: LCM sheet, both side (look at the example on the Pokemon question and try question 1)
- HST is 13%

- work on the illustrations of the poem head, your head.  Please make sure it reflects your hobbies, personality and favourite food.  Please spend time and effort while working on it

- Planner money, $6 if you have not paid yet

- Read chapter 4 of Run

- Work on good copy of poem

Wednesday 11 September 2019

September 11, 2019

- sign math assignment (spiders/ grasshoppers, newspaper, running)
- sign book report sheet. Due October 28, 2019 (need to be organized.  It will take a few hours to complete a book report.  To be uploaded to Mr. Kwok on Oct 28.
- resumable words to make sentences
- Math: look for a pattern questions
- bring 4 AA batteries tomorrow for typing

- please invite parents to Curriculum Night on Thursday September 26.  We will start the presentation at 6:30pm

Tuesday 10 September 2019

September 10, 2019

- Math: subtraction sheet, use your calculator to figure the missing numbers

- Personality words: Compose five sentences about your own personality.  Each sentence must be at least 12 words long, with 2 adjectives (CANNOT use nice, fun, good, bad, interesting. Use words from list)
e.g. Mr. Kwok is a loving and caring teacher since he spends much time teaching his class everyday.
The grumpy old man complains about the weather all the time no matter how nice it is.

- finish draft of poem about yourself (personality, hobbies, TV programs, food) and the picture of you.  See examples below

- bring and keep 4 AA batteries at school for typing (no rechargeable batteries)

Monday 9 September 2019

September 9, 2019

7C Science
- wet and soak a piece of paper towel.  Put that inside freezer for a week and see sublimation
- it should be drier after a week or two (ice turns into water vapour since liquid water cannot exist inside freezer

- find 5 synonyms for each of these words from the personality list:
Happy, Mean, Nice, Shy, Nervous

- complete the addition sheet (use your calculator and check the answers)

Friday 6 September 2019

September 6, 2019

- Math problem solving strategy sheet#1

Try this question
There are 13 insects in the field.  They are all grasshoppers (6 legs) and spiders (8 legs).  All together, there are 94 legs.  How many spiders are there?

- List of personality (at least 40 words that describe behaviour. Examples: zealous, enthusiastic, xenophobic, arrogant, audacious)
- bring 4 AA batteries to class, and leave them in locker for typing
- sign math quiz (decimal, fraction)

Thursday 5 September 2019

September 5, 2019

- Science: sign tracking sheet and show Kwok tomorrow to get credit
- Adjective assignment, 1 sheet
- Math: three budget questions.  Show your work (do it in math notebook)
- bring and keep 4 AA batteries in locker for the year.  They will be used for typing every Day 3

- ask parents for a weekly allowance in exchange for house work (take out trash, sort recycling, do dishes, fold laundry).  Here is the reason: "I am old enough to develop some financial responsibility.  Can I please have an allowance so I can learn that way?"
- remember, in Canada, when an average adult earns $100, s/he spend $165.  You learn financial responsibility from a young age. . .

Wednesday 4 September 2019

September 4, 2019

Math quiz tomorrow: Conversion of fractions into decimals. Bring calculator

Two noun sheets (common and abstract nouns).  Use dictionary to look up meaning if necessary

Return forms tomorrow