Friday 20 September 2019

September 20, 2019

- complete both Contour Maps for Geography.  The second one is quite complicated.  Draw neatly and please use a ruler (contour interval for second map is 100m)

- second map: please add an extra sheet of paper at the bottom to draw mountain profile

- study for a science quiz next week (Monday or Tuesday): Particle Theory, pure substances and mixtures, periodic table, structure of simple matters (nucleus, protons, neutrons, electrons), light bulbs, batteries, mechanical mixtures
- science quiz will be a true or false quiz
e.g. Electrons carry positive charges (false)
Coca Cola is a mixture (true)

- Math: Find the GCF for the following
a) 8, 10
b) 3, 12
c) 4, 6
d) 6, 24
e) 4, 10
f) 18, 78
g) 14, 84

- going grocery shopping and look at different milk products
skim milk, 1%, 2%, Homo, light cream, half and half, table cream
- compare milk fat content and price
- Lactose free milk products are really expensive (twice as much).  Think of Kwok's farting if I drink them


  1. How do we do the second co tour map if the page isn't long enough

    1. 8:00pm
      - second map: please add an extra sheet of paper at the bottom to draw mountain profile

  2. dont we have to do the 4 word research again?

  3. Mr. Kwok I wasn't here on Friday so I don't have the map. Is there a handout that I can print?
