Wednesday 25 September 2019

September 25, 2019

- please invite parents to curriculum night on Thursday Sept 26 (tomorrow at 6:30pm).  Kwok bought cookiesssssss.  You are welcome to join mom and dad

- Math: order of operations, BEDMAS, both side

- for whatever reason, they want you to wear yellow on Friday. Please do so if you can
- bring lunch on Friday

7A Science test on Monday September 30
Here is what you have to study:
 Particle Theory, pure substances and mixtures, periodic table, structure of simple matters (nucleus, protons, neutrons, electrons), light bulbs, batteries, mechanical mixtures
- science quiz will be a true or false quiz (18 questions), and a flow chart
e.g. Electrons carry positive charges (false)
Coca Cola is a mixture (true)

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