Friday, 24 January 2025

January 24, 2025

 Algebra pre-test. Test on Wednesday (January 29)

8D True Colour essay, 200+ words, Your colour, what you hope to do when you turn 25

- use IT statements, start sentences with adverbs and conjunctions

- sample

Undoubtedly,working as an accountant in a giant conglomerate will be rewarding since millions will be earned each year. It is absolutely essential for all companies to file their taxes regularly so the Canadian

government can tax them to death. As a green learner, it would be my responsibility to reduce

the amount payable to maximize profit for all shareholders. In addition, only the people who love numbers and math can benefit from such an occupation. Who needs to be considerate and work with others

when I am able to organize, compute and process all the data.

As I control AI of the future, I become the future myself.


- 4 IT statements

- 4 senetnces start with conjunctions

- 4 sentences start with adverbs

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