Friday, 19 May 2023

May 19, 2023

 Lets get cooking: 3 to 5 mins for a small meal. Get ready to present after long weekend

Start writing your speech

No school Monday

A21, update

It’s been 5 months since I came to Canada, so this would be the first summer that I’m

in Canada, although, I did come here last year for a memorable vacation. I hope I can

spend my worthy time doing fun things and not waste my time by staying at home,

being on my phone 24/7, and hearing my mom complaining about me staying at home

ALL time. So I would rather spend my time doing healthy sports, going to fun camps,

hanging out with neighborly friends, learning extra skills, and visiting cool places in


The first plan I have for summer is to have a fit routine to do any sports I want to do. I

like to go to the Gym and play basketball, and sometimes soccer. I sometimes go to the

pool to practice swimming because I had a fear of water and I overcame it and now it’s

one of my healthy hobbies. Recently I started practicing biking so hopefully I can go

bike riding with friends. I am also going to participate in tennis camp for a few weeks

and I think it’s going to be pretty fun.

I am also participating in French class because my mom says learning French is a BIG

point for me to get accepted into better universities or colleges. So I am going to go to a

French class for the whole summer and probably learn how to speak in French at the

end of the summer, but I'm not expecting much though.

Hanging out with my athletic friends would be my favourite activity I would do in

summer and it would be interesting going to places with them. I have some cool places

in mind to go there with them such as Wonderland water park, wonderful restaurants,

big arcades, k1 cartway, and Gym.

Spending time with family, throwing huge mehmoonies (parties) or going to the pool is

enjoyable too. I try to enjoy the time I have to spend with my family as much as

possible. Including my cousins because they are a bit older than me and it feels

awesome to have someone older than you to take you out to incredible places.

At last, I love doing sports, learning, and spending time with friends and family,

because it’s what makes me really happy. I try my best to stay as positive and active as I can and be happy

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