Wednesday 31 May 2023

May 31, 7C Health notes, XX, XY

More information

Trisomy X, also called triple X syndrome or 47,XXX, is characterized by the presence of an additional X chromosome in each of a female's cells. Although females with this condition may be taller than average, this chromosomal change typically causes no unusual physical features. Most females with trisomy X have normal sexual development and are able to conceive children.

Trisomy X is associated with an increased risk of learning disabilities and delayed development of speech and language skills. Delayed development of motor skills (such as sitting and walking), weak muscle tone (hypotonia), and behavioral and emotional difficulties are also possible, but these characteristics vary widely. Seizures or kidney abnormalities occur in about 10 percent of affected females.




7B Health notes, lesson 3

May 31, 2023

Spend at least one hour per day writing your speech this weekend 

Draw the following triangles




45- 70-65



Tuesday 30 May 2023

7B Mental health assignments

 1) Making healthy choices

2) Responding to stress

3) Taking care of ourselves

4) Personal care pledge

Monday 29 May 2023

May 30, 2023

 1,024 × 1,024

Math: Draw the following angles

15° 45°, 90° 180° 75° 105° 145° 162°

270° 300° 318°

Deadline: Wednesday, May 31st 

Friday 26 May 2023

7B Health Pubert Science notes, Lesson 2, May 26

May 26, 2023

 School Open House on Wednesday May 31 at 5pm with a BBQ. Meet the Kwok and ask me questions about high schools and your future

Math test Monday. Please review and study (volume, surface area)

Draw 3D shapes of the following structures

- cube, rectangular prism, triangular pyramid and prism, Square based pyramid, pentagonal prism, octagonal pyramid

- group all lines and faces

- use dotted lines if those features are behind the shape

- Please buy a protractor for next week class

Thursday 25 May 2023

May 25, 2023

Buy a protractor for next week

 Draw two non-congruent nets for the flooring shapes

- cubes, rectangular prism, triangular prism, square based pyramids, triangular based pyramids, cone, cylinder, hexagonal prisms, pentagonal prisms


Wednesday 24 May 2023

7B Health notes

 Human Growth and Development

Age 0 to about Age 6

  • Day you were born, 98% of the baby are born upside down (head comes out first)

  • If the baby’s feet face down, and head is up, the delivery of the baby can be risky

  • Gender of baby is determined by the presence or absence of the external genitals

  • Age 0 to age 6: brain continues to develop, head gets larger (malnutrition, accidents, injury to the head will affect brain growth and learning)

  • During this stage, bones are quite flexible and easy to break. The rest of the body grows steadily

  • After age 6, head size is steady (wont grow larger)

  • Pituitary gland (pea size) in the brain becomes active around age 10 

  • (age 9 girls, age 11 for boys)

  • Age is not specific. This depends of diets, and race

  • Pituitary gland starts releasing growth hormones

(female: estrogen; male - testosterone)  to wake body up and puberty starts gradually

  • This growth period will last for about 10 years (female, age 10 to 19; male age 11 to 20)

  • Diets: high meat, dairy diets - grow sooner

  • Diet: carbohydrates, vegetables/fruits - start later