Tuesday 18 April 2023

Most important invention of mankind


 Most important invention of man kind:

Points: iPhones or Smartphones

- to communicate and call someone
- to use it as a GPS
- to use it to search for information
- order food from Uber Eat
- buy my shirts from Costco.com
- text people during a test to find answers without the teacher knowing it
- listen to music and play video games

- what do we do if we are stranded in the highway in the middle of storm with no phone?
- we need to use paper maps to find our way to meet Trump (too time consuming)
- we actually have to go to a supermarket to buy food. That takes too long!
- during the pandemic, we cannot go to a store!
- what do we do when we use the washroom without our phone?
- then we will need our Walkman to listen to music. How can we download songs then?
- letters will have to be written and mail to friends instead of texting
- Social media such as Facebook and Sanp helps us to connect with friends and family
- during emergency (car accidents), iPhone will call 911 for us
- it will take too long to go to library and search for information
- when I have Siri and Alexa, why should I learn to read? Siri or Alexa can read for me

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