Wednesday 8 February 2023

Feb 8, 2023

 Math homework. Daw these structures and calculate the cost

Chapter 16


- The driver knocks on the door three times and called softly ______________________

-why is it necessary to do that? ____________________________________


- describe the man who opens the door for Julilly and Liza. ______________________


- get an image from Google about the features on his face. Paste it inside the box here. What is his name and title?


- why is the driver shivering? Describe the weather


- “A strong woman with a kindly face and ark-rimmed glasses greeted Julilly and Liza. Her long grey dress and round white cap seemed to fit with the long coat and short knee breeches.” Who is this woman? What is her name? __________________________________________________


- after Julilly and Liza get inside the dining room, “four black frightened faces look at them like ____________________________________ (animal in what)


- when the slaver catchers enter the house, where do the girls hide? _____________________


- “At all times, I obey the commands of the Bible and the dictates of humanity in feeding the hungry and clothing the naked and aiding the oppressed. And the good book mentions no distinction of colour in the doing of these deeds.” (p.124)

- who says that? According to Julilly, what is the meaning of the statement above.



- why is it not the Sheriff’s intention to enter a woman’s bedroom? ______________________

- at the end of the chapter, has Sheriff Donnelly searched the bedroom?


- Julilly has five questions in her mind as Auntie Katie Levi prepare them to leave the house. What are the questions?


- Aunt Katie gives them new boy clothes and something else for the coming winter. What item is that? ­­­­­­­­


- How come Liza changes from a bent back, sullen and angry slave to a joyful, optimistic, and hopeful girl near the end of the chapter?



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