Monday 27 February 2023

Feb 27, 2023

Bring 10 of the same kind of coins (penny, nickels, dimes or quarters for probability 

Science pollination of flowers. Complete the fill in the blanks.

Invasive species: Asian carp

Pollination video: Watch the video below and complete the fill in the blanks


1. This video is hosted by Dr. M _______ P ________


2. B_______ and other pollinators are responsible for most of the f_______ we eat


3. More than _______% of the flowering plants rely on a_________ pollination


4. Dr. M_______ P______ is a pollination e__________


5. What is pollination? It refers to the process when pollen from m_____ parts of the flower plants spread to the f________ parts of the flower


6. After fertilization, the flowers will produce s__________


7. Earliest plant in Earth history such as Fern relies on w_____ to move pollen to other plants


8. Grass makes an enormous amount of pollen, and they are released into the w_______. This works well in o________ area and when one species dominates the area. This process is called w________ pollination


9. But w______ pollination does not work well in e_______ area or area with different types of plants


10. A___________ are flowering plants


11. Bees, butterflies and birds are examples of pollinators. They are highly m________ and most can f_______


12. For all bees, pollens are b________ f______ for young bees. Pollens is a source of p______


13. The f_______ h______ in bees pick up the pollens


14. Butterflies have really big w________ and really long t_______ so they can suck the n_______ that hides deep inside the long tubs of the flowers


15. Moths pollinate at n______ and like butterflies, they also have long tongues. Usually, w______ flowers that emits strong odour attract moths. 


16. B_______ is a major pollinator for b______, m________ and Grava. They pollinate at night and look for white flowers as well.


17. Birds have excellent e_______ and the use visual clues to find flowers. Many birds are attracted to r______ flowers.


18. Hummingbirds have very long b______ and t______ so they an reach the long tubs in flowers to find nectars


19. F_______ like stinky stuff such as d_______. They also pollinate


20. Birds and butterflies are attract to r_______ flowers but, like Kwok, bees see the colour red as b_______ so bees don’t visit r______ plants


21. Flowers that is w_______ in colour stand out best at night. Pollinators tend to look for whole patches of flowers because it is more likely to find n_______ from more flowers


22. Some flowers change c_________ after they have been pollinated. Many insects such as bees, butterflies and moths, like the o_______ of the flowers. This, combines with the c______, s_______ and s_______ of these flowers are more likely to attract more insects



Invasive species: Asian carp


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