Friday 24 February 2023

7B, 7C Feb 24, 2023

 Math test Monday: isometric, cost of construction, top/side/front views. Long test, at least 2 periods. Bring pencil, ruler, cubes and a bag of same coins for probability

Work on the three structures that your friend builds. Draw isometric and calculate the cost. There should be an easy, an average and a hard one.

Comma and period usage

since students have started going to online school it could be essential to talk about how virtual learning or school learning is better in my opinion I think school learning is better because when students have the opportunity to learn from home some of them could get distracted and choose not to pay attention when the cameras and microphones are not in use most of the time for example a student could be on their phones and not be paying attention to something important and the teachers wouldn’t know they would be too busy teaching the rest of the class in school if the teacher catches a student not doing work they could be told to do their work and they would listen because they know that they could get in trouble students have to stare at a screen for 6 hours which could cause headaches eye strain and blurry vision they cannot go outside for recuse and have fresh air other than school learning students do have the opportunity to go outside and release some stress or play around and lose energy so that when they go back inside they can be less hyper and focus going to school can be fun students can go to the gym or outside and play some sports and play tag unlike online school you can’t do anything like that although school could be exhausting it’s better than staying home and staring at the screen in school you can communicate with your friends and socialize and make new friends so therefore i think school learning is better than virtual learning 

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