Tuesday 14 February 2023

Feb 14, 2023

Sign and return report card envelope tomorrow. 

DIME, top, front side views of the 12 structures listed below


Homework: find three examples from the novel and justify why the statement below is correct

Slavery is a very cruel act, and should never be allowed anywhere in the world. 

Justify this statement by using three examples from the novel, Underground to Canada.


In the past 200 years, when slavery was legal in the United States, black slaves were treated like animals,when they were bought and sold [your own statement]. Early in the story, a young slave mother Lily Brown’s 2-year-old son was snatched from her since Sims thought he was going to grow quickly to work in the cotton field. (Chapter 2, Underground to Canada by Barbara Smucker, Penguin Group, 1977, pp. 11). [your explanation] No child should be removed from the parents especially when Willie was only 2 years old. Sims simply did not care about other’s feelings and he did the unthinkable by ripping the baby from his motherThis proved that slavery was inhumane and cruel to the black slaves during that time. [a concluding statement]


In the wise words of Levin Coffin, [example] “At all times, I obey the commands of the Bible and the dictates of humanity in feeding the hungry and clothing the naked and aiding the oppressed. And the good book mentions no distinction of colour in the doing of these deeds.” (Chapter 16, Underground to Canada by Barbara Smucker, Penguin Group, 1977, pp. 124). At that time, many people, such as the Abolitionists and the Mennonites, helped the slaves to escape to Canada because they knew slavery was unjust and cruel. [concluding statement]



Consider the following suggestions as examples:

-       Chapter 9, Mr. Ross’ words: “It takes courage and determination and a good deal of wit.”

-       In your own words, justify why these were necessary to gain their freedom


-       Chapter 7, Julilly offered money to buy food from the first white woman. How was she treated?

    explain in your own words why that was a risky move for the girls


-       Chapter 14, walking at night was very dangerous, heard strange noises with little food, chased by bloodhounds

-       Explain in your own words why the slaves continue to take such a risk to gain their freedom

-       Chapter 18, p. 127, the slave hunter and Schiff were chasing them on the Mayflower. Julilly was angry and she did not think those people had the rights to hunt them down like dogs


-       Explain in your own words why the slaves were so determined to escape to Canada even they might be drown at the bottom of the boat

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