Friday 27 January 2023

January 27, 2023

 Math test Monday (BEDMAS, negative integers, balance the book)

Science: Dr David Suzuki PS (Windsor) worksheet due Monday. Must be handwritten

 7B, 7C Science (Must be completed on the sheet provided)

Why is Dr David Suzuki Public School (Windsor) so environmentally friendly? List ten things they use there.

Why is it not economical to build another similar to it? Give three reasons with a price tag.

Math test preparation. 

Easy one first.

Use a formula to write the dates (from Jan 1, 2023 to Jan 7, 2023) and to determine the total deposit, total withdrawal and balance on March 1, 2023

Answer: 563.89 balance

Lunch at Harveys
Grocery shopping
Cell phone bill$75.00
Visa bill$167.95
Work for Kwok$66.60

Use a formula to write the dates (from Feb 1, 2023 to Mar 1, 2023) and to determine the the total deposit, total withdrawal and balance on March 1, 2023

- answer (balance = –801.13)

Pay rent$550.05
Pay cable$75.12
Buy TTC pass$155.65
Pay Visa$123.45
Part time job$398.65
Dividend income$114.67
Cell phone bills$80.95
Buy toilet paper$18.75
Ebay puchase$90.45
Bank fee$12.50
Buy Starbucks$6.67
Pay hydro$190.78
Pay insurance$355.98
Pay water bills$65.89
Pay for tutoring$327.50
Buy books$75.00
Interest earned$1.23
Pay for heat$78.32
Pay tuition$2,543.21
Buy food$120.65
Take parents out for dinner$154.89
See Avatar 2$50.00
Buy new shirt$63.97
Buy lunch$7.77
Work for Kwok Wage$666.00

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