Friday 20 January 2023

January 20, 2023

 Free Microsoft Office as long as you are a TDSB student. Can install in laptop or desktop

Art Club Announcement

Hello students!

Are you proud of your artworks? Would you like to have your artwork displayed for the entire school? If yes, then the monthly art contest is for you! Submit your artwork for a chance to be displayed as the "Art of the Month" in your hallway.  A vote will be taken at the start of each month in order to pick the winner.

  • Each artwork may be submitted only once. No repeats!
  • Hand-drawn & Digital Artworks are welcome.
  • Artwork may not be larger than the picture frame (digital artworks will be printed to fit)
  • You may submit a canvas that will be hung instead of the picture frame. 
  • Speak with Ms.T if you cannot take your own photo of your artwork for the vote. 
Submit Artwork Here:

                                                                                         *Deadline January 30th*

Math: Complete page 5 of negative integers. You can start page 6 if you know what to do

Morning announcement slides (1 hour). THE JOKE MUST BE APPROPRIATE FOR THE SCHOOL

Chapter 6


- how long has she been working in the Riley’s Plantation __________________.

- she uses one kind of animal to describe herself and other slaves. What kind of animal is that?

- why did Sims like to whip her? __________________.

- what does her father do? __________________.

- In the Riley’s Plantation, what do the slaves do on Sunday? __________________.

- Liza describes herself as a cripple. What exactly do cripples look like? Describe them in 5 words




- in this chapter, Julilly does something she has not done in Massa Hensen’s plantation and during her journey. What is that? __________________.

- what must be done in the field before the end of the day? __________________.



- what does he do when the slaves start their day of cotton picking __________________.

- how does he walk up and down the cotton field to check on the slaves? __________________.


The children

- what are they eating in this chapter __________________.

- use three words to describe the children in the Riley’s plantation

- Name the two food items that each slave receives for lunch __________________.

- what are the two food items each get for breakfast? __________________.


-  what do they wear when they work in the field? Google an image for that and paste it in the space below


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