Monday 16 January 2023

January 16, 2023

Monologue Scoring sheet

Underground to Canada, Chapter 1



- how did she get her name? ___________________            how old is she? ___________

- any brothers and sisters? ___________________


Mama Sally

- what is her relationship with Julilly? ___________________

- what does it mean when the novel states that she has a lined face? ___________________

- what does she do in the field? ___________________

- where is Julilly’s father? What happened to him? ___________________


Missy Hensen

- who is that? ___________________           - who is Jeb Hensen? ___________________

- what is her plan? ___________________

- where will she go? Why? ___________________

- how did she treat the slaves in  her plantation? ___________________


Old John

- who is he? ___________________ what does he do? ___________________



- describe what it is like inside ___________________

- who lives there? ___________________

- what time do they have to get up and work?


Explain this sentence from Chapter 1

“Will pay top prices tomorrow for prime field hands.”




Explain this sentence from Chapter 1

“They say you travel north and follow the North Star, and when you step into this land, you are free. “ mama Sally told Julilly


- what are they talking about? ___________________

- where do they plan to go? ___________________

- why do they want to go there? ___________________



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