Tuesday, 6 December 2022

December 6, 2022

Legal and illegal drugs



 Informal letter

- finish setting up the address, date, greetings, body and the end

- in the body of the letter, USE JOT NOTES and write down FIVE points that are positive this year (e.g. you helped someone, coming back to school, meet friends, participate in extra curricular activities, help out at home). Looking back in the past twelve months

- another THREE points that you wish something POSITIVE will happen this coming new year (e.g. peace on Earth, my grandparents recover from cancer, less people get hungry, my parents spend more time with me, Mr. Kwok makes more money). Don't think about you. Think about the city of Toronto, think about Canada and the world

- ONE wish what you will receive for the holiday

Math: Loan Shark search

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