Tuesday, 8 November 2022

November 8c, 2022


- if you have not completed the virtual class essay, please finish it tonight and send that to me. Otherwise, you will get ZERO

 Assigned on Monday Nov 8. Essay: How do you feel about virtual learning?

- 8 adjectives, 5 adverbs

- Google the words that are related to your feeling about virtual classes (125 words)

- complete the second sheet of water filtration video



20) There are two types of water treatment plants, treating d_____________ and w_________________

21) Turing dirty water or well water to safe drinking water is important to everyone, and it involves 4 steps

22) Step 1: C____________________ and F___________________ get water from l_________, w_________, r_____________ and s__________

23) The water from these places contains o______________ materials and s____________ (s_________, b_________, w________) and must be removed first

24) Chemical coagulate is added the water to gel the s____________ together so they become larger clumps

25) Flocculation basins involve s_________ and  mixing of materials to form floc particles

26) Step 2: Sedimentation basins allow the f_________ to settle out and sink to the b__________. The sludge is then collected and ship to the l_____________

27) After sedimentation, we have c__________ w________ at the top

28) In the flotation tanks, a______ is pumped to the bottom of tank so b____________ carry f_______ particles to the top

29) Step 3: Filtration,   even water looks clean, it may still carry b________ ad very s___________ sediments (clay, silt)

30) S___________ filters can be used in two way to remove those particles. More commonly, water enters from the bottom and exit through the top or vice vera.

31) Sand filters are highly e_______________

32) The acceptable clarity of water is less than ________ NTU (how many particles in water)

33) Activated carbon basins improve the t_________ and o_______ of water

34) Step 4: Disinfection. They may add c__________, o__________ or UV r__________ to kill microorganisms in the water

35) In the USA, it is most common to add c_________ to disinfect

36) UV radiation scrambles the DNA of bacteria so they cannot reproduce but this method does not last l__________

37) After disinfection, the water is ready to be prepared to send to the local water pipes

38) When pumping water to the local communities, w_________ p__________ must be maintained to prevent c_________________ from outside

39) The function of a water tower is to s___________ water and to maintain f____________ of water to all households in the area.

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