Monday 17 October 2022

October 17, 2022


- Math quiz next Monday, Oct 24 (ratio, proportion). Please review all questions from the last two weeks

- Math homework, three questions on marble, chicken and glass

- adverbs, where to put them (see sentences below)

- read, uninterrupted for 25mins

Who is this?

Use the words in brackets and place them in the sentences to describe the actions.



The nurse cleans the wound for the patient. (tender)

The nurse tenderly cleans the wound for the patient.


The teacher spends 3 hours preparing a difficult lesson for the class. (patient)

Patiently, the teacher spends 3 hours preparing a difficult lesson for the class.


1) The class sat in the room and nobody made a sound. (quiet)



2) Please do your job.  You will have to redo all your work if I am not satisfied. (proper)



3) David speaks to his tutor.  He has improved a great deal with his schoolwork. (excited)



4) The children laughed at the clown’s humourous antics. (hysterical)



5) My mother looked at me because I broke her antique vase. (angry)



6) The children wait for their teacher.  (patient, quiet)



7) The thunder roars in the middle of the day. (sudden)



8) The wealthy man throws away all his food after taking only one bite. (waste)



9) Mrs. Gaston makes an announcement there is an intruder in the school. (frantic)



10) I told my brother his project was poorly done. (blunt)



11) The naughty child opens the locker by breaking the combination lock. (force)



12) He puts salt in his coffee everyday.  (odd)



13) Meriel accepts her perfect test from the teacher. (meek)

14) James decides to continue with his work in the middle of the night. (sleep)



15) The bride picks a beautiful dress for her bride maid. (joy)



16) The bully took lunches away from the little kids.  (coward)



17) Mr. Kwok disappears in front of his students.  (mysterious)



18) The old man donates $100 to the United Way. (willing)



19) Canada geese settle in a small lake in northern Ontario during the spring months. (serene)



20) The young child picks a tiny gift from the treasure chest. (hesitate) 



21) The thief has been charged for stealing a box of chocolate from the store. (formal)



22) She chooses a book over a donut from her grandparents. (wise)



23) The students in 6A work together to complete this class project. (cooperate)



24) The young university student was killed in a car accident. (sad, unexpected)



25) Terry Fox is a famous Canadian hero.  (undoubted)



26) Danny leaps across the living room. (cheerful, energetic)



27) The train stops because there is a pile of rock blocking its track. (abrupt)



28) The greedy child eats her dinner. (impolite, noisy)


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