Monday 13 June 2022

Sangster Math, June 13, 2022

 The Crook’s Store: Buy What You Want!!! NO MONEY DOWN, low monthly payment, GREAT DEALS!


Calculate the total cost of each item after all the adds on


e.g.  Samsung Foldable Smart Phone, T = $3000


1.13T × 1.553

= 1.13T´ (1.55 ´ 1.55 ´ 1.55)

= 1.13T ´ 3.72

= 1.13 ´ 3000 ´ 3.72

= 12610.8


How much more do you have to pay? 

12610.8 (after all the charges) – 3000 (original price) = $9610.8 wow



k) A gold chain, T = $550


1.13T × 1.253

 1.13T × (1.25 × 1.25 × 1.25)

1.13T × 1.95

1.13 × 550 × 1.95

1211.92 (you will be paying more than twice the original price if you choose to pay later)





How much more do you have to pay? 

1211.92 – 550 = 661.92 more than the original price




l) A designer outfit, T = $875


1.13T × 1.352





How much more do you have to pay? 




m) A trip to Hawaii, T = $3875


1.13T × 1.352





How much more do you have to pay? 





n) Two downhill ski passes at Blue Mountain, T = $125


1.13T × 1.094







How much more do you have to pay? 



p) Two court side tickets to see NBA finals, T = $12500


1.13T × 1.213







How much more do you have to pay? 



n) A used car, T = $5555


1.13T × 1.282






How much more do you have to pay? 

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