Monday 16 May 2022

May 16, 2021

 - finish the math sheet with buying a condo. Share with parents that you will get money for down payment if you treat them nicely. Otherwise, you get nothing

- Can money buy happiness? (think of 5 reasons for bothe support and against side, provie explanation in jot notes format)

- examples

Without money, saving the planet with green energy will be impossible. Imagine if there are thousands of solar panels in the front yard of a school. Even with the brightest minds and ideas, with no money for research, no one can invent and install these devices and make the Earth a better place

- it costs Pfizer $2 billion dollars to develop the Covid vaccines. Without money, thousands will die and millions will not be saved. Who said money cannot buy a life long of happiness?

Even if a billionaire is terminally ill, that wealthy individual cannot buy a liver or kidney for a transplant in Canada. He can stare with all the cash and gold bars inside his vault and continue to suffer in agony for a very long time. Who said money can buy happiness if the only thing that can be purchased is pain and suffering?

- Although Elton John spends $2 million each year buying flowers, he is often depressed because he is balding with few hair strands on his head. Even with his fame and fortune, money cannot get Elton out of his misery because he is balding. 

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