Monday 2 May 2022

Health - mood swing links

Emotional changes in Boys (

Boys will experience a range of emotions as they go through puberty. At times, they may feel irritable, sad, and even depressed. They may feel many different emotions related to their sexuality, including desire, confusion, and fear. Emotions start to level out by the end of puberty. Your son will likely show more independence from mom and dad and have more interest in developing closer bonds with friends and love interests. Their work and organizational habits may improve, as will their plans for their future.

Emotional changes in Girls (

Emotion isn’t new to girls. However, many young girls will experience a wider range of emotions when they begin puberty. Sometimes it will feel like a “storm” of emotions, ranging from irritability to sadness. Your daughter may experience confidence issues for the first time in her life. Fortunately, emotions start to level out by the end of puberty. They may flair up around the time of your daughter’s period. Often called PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome), hormonal changes occurring each month around your daughter’s period can bring about anxiety, irritability, sleeplessness, and sadness.

How can teens deal with mood swings?

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