Tuesday 5 April 2022

Sangster Math class, April 5, 2022

  Shameful math results, only 22% passed in grade 9 and 53% passed math in grade 6


EQAO information session

- grade 3 (R,W,M), 6 (R,W,M), 9(math), 10 (reading and writing) 

- grade 3, 6, 9 – write the test in May, results will be ready in November

- wont go on your report cards


Grade 10 EQAO = OSSLT – Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test

- you must pass to graduate from an Ontario high school

- passing mark is 75% (min score 300/400 total)

- two half day events, you will have to write it online

- please improve your typing skills (type with ten fingers)


- if you fail, try again in grade 11

- if you fail again, try again in grade 12

- three opportunities to pass it (if fail again, YOU MUST TAKE a course in the summer to graduate)

-% fail in Ontario is around 17% (so around 5 virtual students will fail)

- ESL, Special Education students will write the same test but they will get more time to finish it


- in the past 15 years, 4 experts set up the math tests for EQAO (Kwok, Rob, Craig, Charlotte)

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