Wednesday 6 April 2022

Sangster April 6 notes

2011 EQAO Math questions 

Try to do the first 6 multiple choice questions before the next class

􏰏 The table below shows the changes in the amount of snow on the ground over 10 days. 

Ali estimates that the total change is an increase of 30 cm.
Nadia estimates that the total change is an increase of 25 cm. 



15 cm new snow 

7.5 cm new snow 

no change 

4.5 cm melted 

3.5 cm melted 

4 cm melted 

no change 

12 cm new snow 

2.5 cm new snow 


8 cm new snow 



Which student makes a more accurate estimate? Circle one: Ali Nadia
Justify your answer. 

15 + 7.5 + 0 – 4.5 – 3.5 – 4 +0 + 12 + 2.5 + 8

= 33 cm by the end of Day 10


This is not what the question asks. If you leave the answer like this, you will get a C or 60%


Which student makes a more accurate estimate? Circle one: Ali Nadia


Ali is more accurate because his estimate is 33cm, which is only 3cm off (33 – 30 = 3) (justification)  the actual number (score B+ or 75%) 


Nadia is less accurate because her estimate is 25cm, which is 8cm off (33 – 25 = 8) the actual number. (you are comparing the results between the two students) (Score A or A+)



􏰑 Dakota and Bryan count their coloured paper clips and record the results in the table below. 












They put all of the paper clips in a box. Dakota chooses one paper clip from the box without looking. 

Determine the probability that Dakota chooses a red paper clip. Show your work. 


Step 1: Total paper clips for Dakota: 14 + 7+6+17 = 44

Total paper clips for Bryan 18 +9+ 5+ 20 = 52


Step 2: Determine the probability that Dakota chooses a red clip

She has 14 red clips

Total 44 clips all together


Probability to pick a red clip by Dakota 14/44 = 0.318 or 31.8%

Probability to pick a red clip by Bryan 18/52 = 0.346 or 34.6%





Probability basics: chances to win


Probability values range from 0% (impossible to win) to 100% (will win for sure)

0.0     (impossible to win) to 1.00 (will win for sure) 

- cannot have a probability value more than 1.00

- name an event that has a 50% chance of winning? (coin toss, 50% of getting a head, and a 50% chance of getting a tail)

- please DO NOT use words to describe probability (impossible, possible, likely, unlikely, certainty, probable) 

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