Wednesday 13 April 2022

History note, April 13, 2020

 Samuel de Champlain and New France

  • The Europeans call the new continent (Canada) the New World.

  • Champlain comes to Canada to create a permanent French settlement. 

  • Indigenous people were friendly to Europeans. They helped them.

  • Champlain came with 27 men to the New World

  • France wanted to dominate the fur trade - needed the settlement in Canada for that.

  • Champlain kills a disloyal man so others would listen to him.

  • Champlain builds the first settlement/one building and calls it New France; the city is Quebec. 

  • Winter 1608- Champlain’s men get sick from scurvy and malnourishment. 

  • 20 men die out of 27.

  • Chief Oshasteguin of the Wendat Confederacy meets with Champlain to negotiate fur trade so that his people can dominate over the Hodanasone peoples. 

  • New France sides with Wendat and wins the battle over St.Lawrence over Hodanasone. 

  • Now there is a monopoly over the fur trade in the area.

  • Took 40 days to bring fur back to France

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