Tuesday 19 April 2022

April 19, 2022

 - sign math test (geometry). Do corrections on question that are wrong

- calculate the volume and surface area of the following CUBES. Look at the first example of the handout

- see examples here:


Cube A: length = 3cm

Cube B: height = 5cm (volume = 125cm3, surface area = 150cm2)

Cube C: width = 11cm (volume = 1331cm3, surface area = 726cm2)

Cube D: length = 12cm (volume = 1728cm3, surface area = 864cm2)

Cube E: width = 15cm (volume = 3375cm3, surface area = 1350cm2)


April 19, 2022 Interactions (p.106 to 110)


How do living organisms interact with each other?


1)    Competition

Competing Species Help Each Other At Timese.g. In a pond (small body of water) has enough food for a small number of fish

If there are too many fish, not enough food

- weak one will not survive

Competition Chapter 13- big fish eat the small fish; Kwok eats the big fish

- some fish will swim elsewhere

- common in the spring (most fish lay eggs, and hatch in the spring) 



Biological interaction - Wikipedia

- plants also compete with each other: for nutrients in soil, sunlight, water

- too many plants: smaller, shorter and thin

- those that are grown under the shade (not enough Sun – smaller, thin, weak)


2)    Predation – predators and prey (victim, be killed)

Predator Prey Relationship: Definition & Examples | Biology Dictionarye.g. in an area with too many predators (e.g. wolves) – not enough food (rabbits, deer). Either the wolves starve and die slowly or find another area with food

Carly's I-Search Blog: Graph/chart/map and citation








3)    Mutualism – both organisms benefit from each other

- e.g. honey bees and flowers (bees pollinated the flowers so that the plants bear fruits)

- bacteria and plants in the legume family (bacteria provide nitrogen to the plants for them to grow better)

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