Wednesday 30 March 2022

Sangster FL class, March 30

 Test on Friday April 1 (Fraction and some financial literacy)

a.     1 – 3/5 – 1/3 = people did not respond

Common denominator between 5 and 3 = 15


            3/5 (change denominator to 15) 

            (3x3)/(3x5) = 9/15

            1/3 (change denominator to 15)

            (1x5)/(3x5) = 5/15


            1 – 9/15 – 5/15

            15/15  – 9/15 – 5/15

            1/15 did not respond to the survey




b.     1 – 2/9 – ¼

Common denominator between 9 and 4 = 36


Change 2/9 with a denominator of 36

(2x4)/(9x4) =8/36


Change ¼ with a denominator of 36

(1x9)/(4x9) = 9/36


1 – 8/36 – 9/36 

36/36 – 8/36 – 9/36

19/36 of the budget is left


c.     1 – 2/7 – 1/5

Common denominator between 7 and 5 = 35


Change 2/7 with a denominator of 35

(2x5)/(7x5) = 10/35


Change 1/5 with a denominator of 35

(1x7)/(5x7) = 7/35


1 – 10/35 – 7/35

35/35 – 10/35 – 7/35

18/35 of the budget is left


Please work on (l), (m), (n), (o), (p). All similar

l. Rob has 8 1/5 m of ribbon.  He uses 3 ¾ m to tie a box and 2 2/3 m to make a bow.  How much ribbon is left?


m. Jane spends 3/12 of her day reading, 1/5 of the day playing video games, 2/9 of the day watching You Tube and the rest of the time doing house work.  How much time did she send on ding housework? Express your answer in fraction (the day = 1)


n. In a pie eating contest, Takeru Kobayashi (Google him) eats ¾ of a pie in the first 30 seconds, 2/3 of another one in 45 seconds and 1 3/5 pie in the next minute.  How many pies did he eat all together?


o. In a forest, 1/6 of the leaves change colour in October.  In November, 2/5 changes colour.  What portion of the trees have not changed colour?


p. During the quarantine, Mr. Kwok uses 3/7 roll of a toilet paper on Monday, 5/6 roll on Tuesday, 2/5 on Wednesday and 1 1/3 on Thursday.  How many rolls of toilet paper did he use in those days?

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