Wednesday 2 February 2022

Sangster FL class Feb 2, 2022

 Test on Feb 14, 2022. Valentine's Day!!!


- generally, food prices are going up by about 10% in the last 12 months

(e.g. meat up 20+%, really expensive

Milk/products, up 9%

Fruits and vegetables, grains up 5% to 7%)

- why is that? – (1) more expensive to transport the food from farms to the supermarkets

(2) grains to feed cattle (cows, pigs, chickens – higher price – bad weather (drought in California, flood in BC, too hot/ cold)

(3) Labour shortage – less people want to work in the farms, or meat processing plants

(therefore, many farms in SW Ontario hire people from Mexico each spring and summer to pick crops


- higher food prices will continue for the next little while (at least a year)

- prices in restaurants have gone up by at least 15%

- climate change has everything about the increase in food prices (avoid Styrofoam or one time use plastic containers)


Health Science (very important to have a balanced diet)

1)    Fruits and vegetables (plants) – cell wall, source of fibre. Fibre helps your waste to move out of your body. No fruits/vegetables, very difficult for waste to move out of body (constipation). Full of vitamins and minerals to keep us healthy

e.g. Kwok’s niece, Anita ruptured her colon, bleed and had to go to the ER


2)    Grains (carbohydrates – rice, bread, noodles, pasta) – give us energy

- professional athletes usually eat a big plate of pasta before the game

- too much white bread/rice (refined carbohydrates) – turn the starch into sugar almost instantly. In the longer term (20+ years – fat, overweight, diabetics)

- teenage diabetes – too much soft drink, too much fries, over-eat, candy – in the USA

- diabetes – sugar cannot be digested and absorbed by the body. Sugar will be peed out (sweet pee disease)> It will crack the small blood vessels in your body (toes, at the back of the eyes, amputate legs)

- consider eating whole wheat/grain bread, brown rice, whole wheat pasta


3)    Protein – meat, soya, tofu, nuts, eggs, seafood, fish – build muscle especially during puberty


4)    Milk and milk products (dairy) – a source of protein, calcium to help you to grow taller, stronger bones

-           -  don’t eat ice cream everyday (fat – 40%, a lot of sugar)

- lactose – older people react to it, release gas inside stomach

 the link below

- a balanced diet (50% fruits/vegetable, 25% protein, 25% carbohydrates). Picture in 

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