Friday 28 January 2022

Sangster FL class, January 28, 2022







Regular gas





Supreme gas

(Premium gas)
















The experts are projecting that regular gas will hot $1.90/litre in Toronto within two months


- calculate how much it costs to fill up a 60 litre tank (regular gas only) in these places

Cost: $1.51 x 60 litres = $90.60 (regular gas, Kwok needs to refuel once every ten days)

$1.65 x 60 litres = $99 (supreme gas, really expensive)

- trucks use diesel fuel – dirty, black smoke, bad for the environment (diesel fuel produces more power; harder to start in cold weather)


- Alternatives: Electric cars, expensive Tesla is over $100,000; EV – short range (cannot take road trips, Tesla 350km for one full charged engine)


- other electric cars (Toyota Prius, Nissan Leaf, GM Volt, Mitsubishi), range is only 200Km

- cold weather is bad for the battery – low temperature reduces the battery charges, much shorter range (reduce by 30% to 40%) 

- battery is good for about ten years, it costs $12000/battery


Grocery shopping: Protein (meat, soya bean), Milk products, Grains (bread, pasta, rice noodles), Fruits /vegetables

Task: Buy two products of each category in THREE different supermarkets

record the price and how many you will buy for a family of three people

MUST spend less than $100 for each supermarket

$100 per supermarket

Meat, Protein

Milk Products


Fruits and vegetables

Junk food















No Frills









Chicken tight (4-6 pieces) $7.91

2x chocolate milk ($3.99 x 2 = $7.98)


3x blueberries

(3 x 2.99 = $8.98)


T&T Supermarket







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