Friday 7 January 2022

January 7, 2022

 Underground to Canada Chapter 1

Chapter 1



- how did she get her name? ___________________            how old is she? ___________

- any brothers and sisters? ___________________


Mama Sally

- what is her relationship with Julilly? ___________________

- what does it mean when the novel states that she has a lined face? ___________________

- what does she do in the field? ___________________

- where is Julilly’s father? What happened to him? ___________________


Missy Hensen

- who is that? ___________________           - who is Jeb Hensen? ___________________

- what is her plan? ___________________

- where will she go? Why? ___________________

- how did she treat the slaves in  her plantation? ___________________


Old John

- who is he? ___________________ what does he do? ___________________



- describe what it is like inside ___________________

- who lives there? ___________________

- what time do they have to get up and work?


Explain this sentence from Chapter 1

“Will pay top prices tomorrow for prime field hands.”




Explain this sentence from Chapter 1

“They say you travel north and follow the North Star, and when you step into this land, you are free. “ mama Sally told Julilly


- what are they talking about? ___________________

- where do they plan to go? ___________________

- why do they want to go there? ___________________




Part C: Factorials ´¸


Consider the word “PROBLEM”.  There are seven different letters that make up this word. If all the letters are scrambled, how many combinations are there? (these words do not have to be meaningful)


_______ - ______- _______-_______ - ______- _______-______

7 letters    6 letters  5 letters   4 letters   3 letters  2 letters  1 letter  (to choose from)


Answer: 7 ´ 6 ´ 5 ´ 4 ´ 3 ´ 2 ´ 1 = 5040 ways to scramble these seven letters


The equation is also called 7 factorial, 7! (when 7 ´ 6 ´ 5 ´ 4 ´ 3 ´ 2 ´ 1)

Therefore 5! = 5 ´ 4 ´ 3 ´ 2 ´ 1 = 120



Your turn.

10a) How many combinations are there if the word “CATS” is scrambled?


10b) How many combinations are there if the word “GENIUS” is scrambled?


10c) How many combinations are there if the word “PICTURE” is scrambled?



Now, what if there are two of the same letters in the word.

For instance, in the word “DEVICE”, there are two “E”

The number of combinations when scrambling the word “DEVICE” will be

                        5! ¸ 2! = 120 ¸ 2 = 60 ways to scramble these letters

Explanation: 5! Because there are 5 letters. 2! Because there are 2”E”


Your turn:

10d) How many combinations are there if the word “CHERRY” is scrambled?


10d) How many combinations are there if the word “WEEKS” is scrambled?


10e) How many combinations are there if the word “CANADA” is scrambled?



What if some words have more than one repeating letter?

For instance, “CLASSROOMS”, three “S” and two “O”

The answer is 9! ¸ 3! ¸ 2! = 30240 ways [3! = three “S”; 2! = two “O”]


Your turn

10e) How many combinations are there if the word “MISSISSAUGA” is scrambled?



10e) How many combinations are there if the word “SASKATCHEWAN” is scrambled?


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