Friday 21 January 2022

January 21, 2022


- please bring four AA batteries to school next week. We will start typing again
 - please bring all textbooks to school (Sci, Geography., History)

January 21, 2022

How to keep heat inside the house during winter?

- use long plastic stripe to block the gap from the ground to bottom of the door

- double layer of glass for all windows

- replace the furnace filter every three months

- filters may turn grey/black if not replaced regularly. People with allergies will suffer

($10 per filter, good for three months)

- condo building – they have installed filters as well

- furnace is in the basement (hot air rises)


Air conditioners

- in a house, the AC unit is outside because (to cool air, warm air is produced and it is released outside the house)

- the chemical freon is used to cool the air (same inside the fridge)

- on average, an AC unit lasts for about 15 years ($4000)

- on average, the freon will have to be refilled after 8 to 10 years

- in the past (10+years ago), freon releases CFC – same chemical as in the Styrofoam, damage the ozone layer. It cools quickly 

- right now, new AC and cars have non-CFC freon, don’t release CFC into the atmosphere. Cool slowly, and not as cold

Underground to Canada Chapter 8


Mr. Alexander Ross

- where is he from? __________________    - describe his appearance in 5 words


- what is he doing in the Deep South __________________.

- name the two slaves who help Mr. Ross in the field __________________.

- why don’t we grow cotton in Canada? __________________.



- why is he nervous when he checks the scale? __________________.

- what will happen to Sims if the slaves fall short of what they have to pick everyday? 



- to Julilly, what is it like to be free? Name three things she can do when she is free



The girls in the cabin

- Liza feels like talking that evening. What are the topics she shares with Julilly?


- what is that topic being discussed?


- Bessie warns Liza not to talk about Canada.  What is her reason?


- Liza “I am afraid and I am not afraid.” Liza’s bony fingers clasped Julilly’s arm.

What is Liza thinking about? Is she afraid or not afraid? Explain


- use five emotion words to describe Liza and YOUR feelings towards her decisions in the following chapter



- “I am scrawny, Julilly. I am tough. I think the Lord put that North Star up in the sky just for us poor slaves to follow and I intend to follow it.” Liza said. 


- what is Liza’s motivation to escape again even she has been captured before. Put you in her situation, will you try to escape again? Give two reasons to explain

Mr. Alexander Ross, real person who helped slaves to find freedom

Alexander Milton Ross - Wikipedia





Answer should be 140cm

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