Tuesday 11 January 2022

January 11, 2020

 Slavery: Work Song from Les Miserable

Listen carefully, and fill in the missing information. There are two Youtube videos here. 

First one is from the famous Broadway show

Second one is from the Oscar winning movie. Same song but the setting is different

Work Song (from Les Miserables)


- Listen  carefully, and fill in the blanks



Look down, look down. Don’t look them in the ________

Look down, look down. You are here until you ________


The sun is strong, it is _____ as hell below. 

Look down, look down. There is _____________ to go

I have done no wrong. Sweet Jesus hears my __________

Look down, look down. Sweet Jesus don’t care.

I know, she will wait. I know that she will be ________

Look down, look down. They have all _________ you

When I get ______, you won’t see me. Here for dust.

Look down, look down. Don’t look them in the ________


How long, oh Lord before you let me ______?

Look down, look down. You will always be a ___________

Look down, look down, you are standing in your _________


Javert: Now prisoner ________. You time is up, and your parole has _________

You know what that means?


Valjean: Yes, that means I am _______


Javert: No! That means you get your _______ ticket of leave. You are a ________


Valjean: I stole a loaf of _______


Javert: You robbed a _______


Valjean: I broke a window _______. My sister’s child is close to ________ and we were _______


Javert: I know the meaning for those _____ years. A ______ of the law


Javert: Five years for what you did. They rest because you tried to ______ Yes! 24601


Valjean: My name is Jean Valjean.


Javert: And I am Javert. Don’t forget my ________. Don’t forget me. 24601


After this, watch the same song presented in the Oscar winning movie


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