Thursday 2 December 2021

Sangster Math class, December 2

 What should I do after high school?

University (3 to 4 years)

  • Cyber security, computer software

25% of all graduates

Teach you why you should do certain thing

College (2 to 3 years)

  • Animations, web page design

25% of all graduates

Teach you how you should do certain thing

  • More employable

Trade school (2 to 3 years)

  • Construction, plumbing, auto mechanics, electricians 

25% of all graduates

  • Hands  on experience

  • BIG BIG demand

  • $100000+ per year

Go and start own business

25% of all graduates

  • Restaurants, own clothing designs

  • Truck drivers

Financial Goals

It is important that adults and teens set financial goals for the future. For you without a job, it will be saving enough money from part time jobs (mowing lawn, shovelling snow, walking neighbour dogs) or your allowance.

If you have not received an allowance from your parents yet, it is time to ask. Tell them Kwok says that you are old enough to develop some financial responsibility, and the best way to start is to have an allowance. Mini Kwok receives $5 per week.

It does not mean you have to spend every penny from the allowance. The rule of thumb for my son is to “Spend half, Save half”. Parents should not interfere on how you spend your allowance since it is your money. For example, Mini Kwok spends some of his allowance on Robux, and save the rest.


“Spend half, Save half”. Don’t buy junk food after school on your way home. It is a waste of money.  You will have snack to eat when you get home.

What are your financial goals? The most important one will be the university or college tuition fee that is needed in four years.


Try to find the following information from the York University website:


York University 


Domestic students (Can. Citizens or landed immigrants)

International Students


Tuition for the program of your choice




Textbooks and supplies (get the average)




Residence, 8 months





Meal Plans (get the average)




Or if you choose to live off campus




Personal expenses (average for on campus and off campus)




Health and dental care




Total (each year)





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