Tuesday 7 December 2021

December 7, 2021

 Geography videos

Open pit mines


Fracking (worksheet below)


Canadian Tar Sand (worksheet below)


Oil Sand (video 7:49)



1)    Another name for tar sand is o_____ sand


2)    Some people believed that the tar sand projects may be the most d__________ project on earth


3)    Tar sand is a naturally occurring mixtures of s______, c_______, other m________, w_______ and most importantly bitumen


4)    Bitumen is a t_______ and s_______ oil that coats the o_______ of the sand grain


5)    Tar sand must be treated properly before using it in the refinery to produce fuel such as g________ and d__________


6)    Tar sand or oil sand are found in countries such as V__________, US, R________ and C_________


7)    Canadian government officially calls this the oil sand because some of the mixtures do not contain t________


8)    Oil sand or tar sand is more d_______ than conventional oil


9)    In 2011, it was estimated the Athabasca Basin stores 170.2billion barrels of oil, _____% of the world oil reserve


10) In 2012, about _______ million barrels of oil was produced from this region in Canada


11) Only 20% of the oil sand is located close to the s________ of the ground


12) The rest of the oil sand is located ______ metres below the surface


13) Most of the oil produced from the oil sand is shipped to the _________- (country)


14) Trans-Canada wanted to build the Keystone p________ to export oil US refinery


15) However, while refining oil sand into fuel, three times more g_________ gases will be produced compared to the refining of conventional oil


16) Companies need a lot of n_________ g_______ to produce oil from oil sand


17) Extraction of oil sand also leads to the destruction of f__________ and contamination of w_________ in the area


18) The left over sand is dumped into t_________ ponds, which leak chemicals to f______ and other wild animals


19) The people in Fort Chipewyan suffered from high rate of i_________ such as cancer because d_________ w________ is contaminated from the left over bitumen


20) European Union threatened to ban the import of oil sand from C_________ to the EU


Fracking (5:03)



21) Most of the energy consumed is supplied by fossil fuel such as c_______ and n_________


22) The full name for fracking is H___________F_________


23) This method tries to r__________ natural gas from deep layers of rock under the Earth


24) The companies use w_______, s_______ and c__________ to release the enclosed natural gas


25) The method of fracking is known and developed since ___________


26) Fracking became more popular in the last ten years because most of the natural gas fields are e_________ in US and Europe


27) P_________ of natural gas has risen steadily


28) Right now, more than _______% of the oil/ natural gas wells are developed with fracking


29) After the drills penetrate horizontally, w_______, fracking f_______ (or chemicals) and s_____  to crack the rocks


30) Everyday, about ________ million litres of water is used for fracking. That’s enough water supply for ___________ people


31) The chemicals in fracking fluids kill off the b______, and dissolve m________ in rocks


32) Afterwards, fracking fluids will be pumped out, and n_________ g_______ will be recovered


33) When the well is exhausted (no more natural gas left), the drill holes will be s_______


34) Risks: water can be c___________, which is highly t_______


35) The water contains so much chemicals, it cannot be removed in t___________ p_______


36) There are _______ chemicals in fracking fluids, and they are extremely h_________ and toxic


37) Large amount of g__________ g_______  will be released during fracking


38) Companies also use a lot of e_________ during the fracking process


39) About _____% of the natural gas cannot be captured, and will be lost to the atmosphere


40) In the short term, fracking will meet the d______ of energy but there is far more long term risks 

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