Friday 3 December 2021

December 3, 2021


- study for ratio test. Complete pre-test to see if you are ready (Test will be on Tuesday)

- Write five sentences that start with the following conjunctions. Use comma to separate the ideas (record sentences in the same document as last time)

While, Although, If, Since, When

e.g. Although I am terribly confused about this math problem, I will stay after school on Monday and ask for extra help.

Since I have been so kind to my sister, my parents promise to give me a nice gift during Christmas.

If it snows in June, tragedy may soon follow.

While it is important to eat carbonhydrates, it is crucial to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables each day.

Note taking (4 points per passage, up to 7 words per jot notes)

Practice #2: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

            You might be surprised to learn that a Canadian played a very important part in identifying what people really need (and have a right to). The United Nations (UN) was founded in 1945. The following year, Canadian lawyer John Peters Humphrey formed its Human Rights Division. He worked with a small group of people who drew up a list of basic human rights. The United Nations adopted his final version of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948 










Practice #3: The Three “L”s

      When the UN Declaration speaks of health, well-being, and education, it is highlighting the importance of the Three “L”s: life expectancy, living standard, and literacy. Each one is a measure of quality of like. Life expectancy shows how long a person can expect to live. Long life indicated a society with a strong health care system. Living standard estimated the average purchasing power a person has, based on where they live. Of course, there are actually great differences in person wealth within most countries. The literacy rate is a measure of basic education, expressed as a percentage of people who can read and write. 

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